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Art Quiz App

The Purpose of the Project

This is an art quiz app intended to test the user's knowledge of Great Women Artists and their artworks. This quiz was inspired by the recently published 'The Story of Art Without Men' by Katy Hessel, and hopes to promote an interest in the user to further explore the works of Great Women Artists throughout history and today.

User Stories

  • Home Page - As a visiting user, I want to be able to start the quiz immediately. I want to see the correct or incorrect answer after making my selection and I want to see my score recorded.

  • End Section - As a visiting user, I want to see my final result after completing the quiz and have the option to take the quiz again.

  • About Section - As a visiting user, I want to learn more about the quiz and the rules for how to play. I want to find a link for further information about Great Women Artists.


  • Nav Bar - The title of the quiz is visible in larger text. It acts as a link to the homepage and refreshes the game when clicked. Directly underneath are links taking the user to the Play section and the About section. The user's score is not lost on navigating to the Play or About section as the game essentially begins on page load.

  • Game Start Section - The user can immediatly see the main question to answer in the game. They then see their score. It placed at the top to allow for greater user focus. The user is then presented with an image immediately on page load and can choose between four artists' names.

On clicking one answer option, it is highlighted in blue and the button to submit the answer appears.

If the correct answer is selected and submitted, the option will turn green and the score tally at the bottom of the page will increase by 1. There is a timeout handler to allow the user to see if they have chosen the correct/incorrect answer. The next image will then be shown.

If the incorrect answer is selected and submitted, the selected option will turn red. The score will not be updated. Again there is a timeout handler. Then the next image will be shown.

  • Game-End Section - When the user has seen and answered eight images, they will be presented with their total correct score and the option to take the quiz again.

  • About Section - this section explains the idea behind the quiz and the basic rules on how to play. It has a button with a link to navigate to the top of the game. The player's score, if they have already started the game, is not affected.

  • Footer - There are links to the typical social media sites and links to the coder's LinkedIn and the site's GitHub Repository page.

Future Features

  • Question options - I would like to add more question images and options to make the quiz bigger and more engaging.
  • High Score Record - I would like to add a page which keeps a record of the names of the players with the highest scores.
  • Links to learn more - I would like to add wikipedia links for each of the artists mentioned in the quiz so the user can easily learn more about an artwork or artist that they might like, further supporting the purpose of the project to educate people about Great Women Artists.

Typography and Color

  • Typography: The font Monserrat was chosen. It was developed as a result of the old posters and signs in the traditional Montserrat neighborhood of Buenos Aires. It is reminiscent of the urban typography that emerged in the first half of the twentieth century and has a clear, easily readable style. All the text on the site, except the answer options, is capitalized for stylistic purposes.

  • Color-scheme - the colors blue and white were chosen to allow for adequate accessibility and readability and so as not to distract the user from the images that will be shown in the quiz. The background of the main section is a linear-gradiant selected from the SheCodes free access linear-gradiant library.


  • As the wireframes indicate, the idea for the project was to keep it as simple as possible. The site loads the quiz immediately. No time limit to answer each question was included so the user has time to study the image and read all the names in the options well. The result area appears when the user reaches the end of the quiz. The About section was added to the project as it was being developed and built and so is not included in the wireframes.

  • The wireframes were made using

· Game Section - small/large screen devices

·End of Game Section - small/large screen devices



Test Cases

Play Page

Game Section
  1. As the user lands on the quiz homepage, they will see the nav-bar with the title of the quiz which is a link that will refresh the page. Immediately below are the links 'Play' and 'About'. When clicked the user will be navigated to the Play and About sections on the index page.
  2. Immediately below the nav-bar the user sees the quiz section. They will see the main question - 'Name the artist', which is what they must do throughout the quiz.
  3. Below the quiz question the user will see their score tally. This will increase by one if they answer correctly, or remain unchanged if they answer incorrectly. The total number of questions in the quiz is eight. However, there are 18 images for the quiz to randomly select from, therefore ensuring the user can play multiple times without the risk of having every question repeated.
  4. Below the score tally, the user will see an image of an artwork. This image changes when the user clicks on the submit button after having chosen one of the artist option buttons.
  5. There are four artist option buttons just under the image. On clicking an option it will be highlighted in blue and a submit answer button will appear. One of the options is the correct answer and will turn green when selected and submitted - indicating the user was correct. If the user selects and submits an incorrect answer, it will turn red. The correct answer will not be shown if the incorrect answer is selected. The user can only discover the correct answer by re-taking the quiz.

End Section
  1. When the user has answered eight questions the quiz section will be hidden and the end section will be displayed.
  2. The user will see a message congratulating them on finishing the quiz. They will see their total correct score. And they will see a button inviting them to take the quiz again.
  3. On clicking the Take Quiz Again button, the screen will refresh and the quiz will start from 0 again.

About Section

  1. When the user clicks the 'About' link in the nav-bar, they will be directed to the About section just below the Game section. The user's score will not be affected by navigating to the About section, complying with defensive design practices.
  2. The user will see a brief explanation of the inspiration behind the quiz which contains a link to 'The Story of Art Without Men' book website which opens in a new tab and they will see the Rules of the Game, outlining how to play the game.
  3. The user will then see a button 'Let's Play'. When clicked, the user will be navigated back to the top of the page to resume the game.
  4. Below the About Section, the user will then see the footer which has three icons for social media websites, and the author's line with links to their LinkedIn profile and the GitHub repository for the quiz. All links open in a new tab.

Supported Screens and Browsers

  • The site is fully responsive. It presents well on small and medium-sized devices with no horizontal overflow, as well as on large screen devices.

  • It is supported on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Safari.

Bug Fixes

  • After testing the HTML code for the site, I had to fix two minor errors on the image element - I had to include the alt and the src attributes. I also had to fix the jump links by using the more up-to-date 'id' link rather than 'name'. No other errors were found.

  • After testing the CSS code for the site, I had to fix one minor error on the image element - I had to correct the value for max-height. No other errors were found.

  • After testing the JavaScript code for the site, I had to fix one minor error - I had declared a variable for container/gameSecton but had never used it in the code. So, I updated the function displayEndSection() to fix the bug. I also used the dot notation for option as recommended by after testing the site.

  • There was a bug on the classes applied to the answer option after clicking select and submit. If the user clicked another answer option after clicking submit, the classes stayed on the answer options when the next question loaded. I had to add a new function to remove all classes after the submit button was clicked and the new question was loaded.


VS Code:

  • I used the Code Institute template available on GitHub with VS Code as the editor for this project.
  1. Create the file on the desktop
  2. Open it in the VS Code desktop programme
  3. Add the HTML files, Javascript files and assets folder with CSS file and images for the quiz.

GitHub Desktop application

  • I used this application to conveniently commit and push changes to the GitHub repository for this project.

GitHub pages for deployment

  • The steps I took to deploy the project:
  1. naviagate to Settings on the GitHub repo page
  2. click on Pages
  3. click deploy from branch.

I initally had to manually update the repository by:

  1. clicking on the 'Last deployed' link on the Pages page
  2. clicking on 'Re-run all jobs' on the Actions page

The live link can be found here:

To clone the repo:

  1. On GitHub click on the green <> Code button,
  2. In the dropdown menu select Local and copy the url for the repository.
  3. Create a file on your desktop and right click to open with code, ie your local environment.
  4. On the welcome page select the option Clone Git Repo and paste the URL.
  5. Save it to the folder you created on your desktop.




Original and Customized Code

  • HTML:

    • The first div class="container" is customized from 'Create a Quiz App using HTML, CSS & JavaScript' video by CodeGeek
    • The rest of the HTML code is original code
  • CSS:

    • Majority is original code. Code is customized for the use of Flexbox
  • JavaScript:

    • Use of external JS file for quiz questions is original code
    • Variables list customized from 'Create a Quiz App using HTML, CSS & JavaScript' video by CodeGeek
    • function initializeAnswerOption() - original code
    • function selectOption() - customized code that Craig Hudson (Slack community) helped me with and original code for submitAnswer
    • function displayNewQuestion() - customized from 'Create a Quiz App using HTML, CSS & JavaScript' video by CodeGeek and includes original code for image selection and display an submitAnswer
    • function answerText() - customized from 'Create a Quiz App using HTML, CSS & JavaScript' video by CodeGeek
    • function displayEndSection() - original code
    • function submit() - combination of customized code 'Create a Quiz App using HTML, CSS & JavaScript' video by CodeGeek and help from Craig Hudson on Slack
    • function clearSubmission() - original code
    • function clearClasses() - original code
    • function increaseScore() - customized from 'Create a Quiz App using HTML, CSS & JavaScript' video by CodeGeek
    • function startGame() - customized from 'Create a Quiz App using HTML, CSS & JavaScript' video by CodeGeek and includes original code for forEach function


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