Fix map issue related to total number of segments not updating with new data. -> DONE
redux / context provider -> functional -> need to fix updateStyleArrays reducer to work properly
timeline component -> functional -> needs additional styling
postgres database -> started postgres setup
- knex or sequelize
- postGIS
authentication with passport.js -> not started
optimise front end for mobile / tablet -> not started
test suite -> not started
file uploader -> not started
integration with Garmin or Strava -> not started
- Clone repo to your local machine
- At the command line type:
npm install
- Run the application using
npm run dev
and navigate to http://localhost:3000/
- add a gpx file to the data directory "sever/data/rawData/[fileName.gpx]
- Update input ref ( the directory refs in wave 'sever/dataFunctions/index.js' ????)
- At the command line (from the sever/data/dataFunctions dir) type: `node index.js
NB at current stage of development
- Filename must be in format YYYY-MM-DD.gpx
- only accepts 1 session perday
Session Data:
- Number of waves [done]
- Distance surfed [done]
- Distance Paddled [done]
- Fastest Speed [x]
- Total time surfing [X]
- Average paddle speed [X]
- Average surf speed [x]
Specific Wave Data:
- Distance surfed [done]
- Max speed [x]
Speed (km/h) | Activity |
1–4 | Slow-mod slow paddling |
4.1–8 | Moderate speed/very high–intensity paddling |
8.1+ | Surfing |
based on: