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Example scenario
BASIL exposes a CRUD API over HTTP.
To create a new API, a user uploads a SPARQL query and indicates the related endpoint. For instance, the following query was modelled for http://data.open.ac.uk/sparql to support a developer requesting to extract a list of open educational resources related to a given qualification.
prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
prefix podcast: <http://data.open.ac.uk/podcast/ontology/>
prefix audioboo: <http://data.open.ac.uk/audioboo/ontology/>
prefix yt: <http://data.open.ac.uk/youtube/ontology/>
prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
prefix rkb: <http://courseware.rkbexplorer.com/ontologies/courseware#>
prefix saou: <http://data.open.ac.uk/saou/ontology#>
prefix dbp: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
prefix media: <http://purl.org/media#>
prefix olearn: <http://data.open.ac.uk/openlearn/ontology/>
prefix mlo: <http://purl.org/net/mlo/>
prefix bazaar: <http://digitalbazaar.com/media/>
prefix schema: <http://schema.org/>
(?related as ?identifier)
(str(?label) as ?title)
(str(?location) as ?link)
FROM <http://data.open.ac.uk/context/youtube>
FROM <http://data.open.ac.uk/context/audioboo>
FROM <http://data.open.ac.uk/context/podcast>
FROM <http://data.open.ac.uk/context/openlearn>
FROM <http://data.open.ac.uk/context/course>
FROM <http://data.open.ac.uk/context/qualification>
FROM <http://data.open.ac.uk/context/xcri>
# TRY: q18, q51, q70, qd, q36, x86, w39, q61, q64
BIND(iri(concat("http://data.open.ac.uk/qualification/","q18")) AS ?qualification) .
# related video podcasts
?related podcast:relatesToQualification ?qualification .
?related a podcast:VideoPodcast .
?related rdfs:label ?label .
optional { ?related bazaar:download ?location }
BIND( "VideoPodcast" as ?type ) .
} union {
# related audio podcasts
?related podcast:relatesToQualification ?qualification .
?related a podcast:AudioPodcast .
?related rdfs:label ?label .
optional { ?related bazaar:download ?location }
BIND( "AudioPodcast" as ?type ) .
} union {
# related audioboo posts
?related audioboo:relatesToQualification ?qualification .
?related a audioboo:AudioBooPost .
?related rdfs:label ?label .
optional { ?related rdfs:seeAlso ?location }
BIND( "AudiobooPost" as ?type ) .
} union {
# related openlearn units
?related a olearn:OpenLearnUnit .
?related olearn:relatesToQualification ?qualification .
BIND( "OpenLearnUnit" as ?type ) .
?related <http://dbpedia.org/property/url> ?location .
?related rdfs:label ?label .
} union {
# related youtube videos
?related a schema:VideoObject .
?related yt:relatesToQualification ?qualification .
BIND( "YoutubeVideo" as ?type ) .
?related media:download ?location .
?related rdfs:label ?label .
The query returns extracts, video, text, audio of current courses that are related to qualifications provided by the Open University (e.g., Master degree in Computer Science). Each qualification has an ID code (e.g., q18).
In order to make the qualification ID an input parameter of the tailored API, the variable ?_qid has been defined. BASIL considers a mapping between API parameters and SPARQL variables by adding a underscore in the begin of the variable name as convention. Details on variable name conventions for parameters mappings are provided in page SPARQL variable naming convention for WEB API parameters mapping.
The creation of the API is performed with a HTTP PUT request to:
The query parameter endpoint defines the SPARQL endpoint and the request body contains a SPARQL query that defines the view on the dataset. This operation triggers the generation of a set of resources:
- /basil/x68shwt3Qw → base resource, redirects to /spec
- /basil/x68shwt3Qw/api → to retrieve the data
- /basil/x68shwt3Qw/spec → to get and update the stored query
- /basil/x68shwt3Qw/explain → to inspect the query after variables substitution
- /basil/x68shwt3Qw/view → to manage views
- /basil/x68shwt3Qw/alias → to manage alias
- /basil/x68shwt3Qw/api-docs → to access the Swagger description
BASIL makes available the Swagger documentation of the API as subresource of the API specification. A Web API can be consumed through a HTTP GET in different ways, for example:
- /basil/x68shwt3Qw/api?qid=q18 # with content negotiation
- /basil/x68shwt3Qw/api.json?qid=q18 # or .xml, .rdf, .jsonld, .csv, .nt, .ttl, . . .
- /basil/x68shwt3Qw/api.html-list?qid=q18 # preprocess the output using the html-list view script (see Views)
When the BASIL API receives a tailored API invocation, the value of the parameter qid substitutes the variable ?_qid in the query that will be executed. Then, the result of the query is returned to the data consumer, according to a data format specified through content negotiation.
The supported response formats are plain XML, JSON and CSV without namespaces, for data consumers that are not familiar with Linked Data, and Semantic Web Standards (such as, RDF+XML, N3 and Turtle). Moreover, users can customize the output with user-defined Views using template or scripting languages (Mustache and JavaScript, in the reference implementation).