InfiniSweep is a clone of the famous Minesweeper game written in Haskell. It features an infinite grid which means that a game could (in theory) go on forever.
This game is played in a terminal using ncurses
to render it.
Download latest release, make executable and then play!
For example:
chmod +x infinisweep-x86_64-linux-static
With the following options
Usage: infinisweep [-a|--auto-open] [-d|--density PERCENT]
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-a,--auto-open Open cells automatically (as per flags/markers)
-d,--density PERCENT Density of the minefield, as a percentage
When a cell in the grid is opened it either contains a mine and therefore explodes (Game Over) or will show the player the number of mines in the neighbouring cells (there are 8 neighbouring cells).
- To move around the grid use:
- Arrow keys (←, ↑, ↓, →)
- W, A, S, D
- HJKLYUBN (H - left, J - down, K - up, L - right, Y - up left, U - up right, B - down left, N - down right)
- Number pad (1 - down left, 2 - down, 3 - down right, 4 - left, 6 - right, 7 - up left, 8 - up, 9 - up right, 5 - mark, 0 - open)
- Press space or 0 to open a cell.
- Press M, E, or 5 to mark a cell (if you think it contains a mine).
- Press Q to quit the game.
- Press R to start a new game.
If an open cell is satisfied (the number of mines the cell indicates matches the number of markers) you can click it (with space) and it will open all the remaining closed cells surrounding it that aren't marked. If you select the auto
mode this behaviour is completely automated.
For cabal
and stack
the C
library libncursesw5-dev
needs to be installed
separately. On Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libncursesw-dev
cabal new-build
stack setup
stack build
nix build
cabal new-exec -- infinisweep
stack exec -- infinisweep
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2016 Basile Henry & David Eichmann
Copyright (c) 2018 Basile Henry & Nathan van Doorn
Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Basile Henry