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Guestbook - Run with Kubectl


  • Minikube
  • Kubectl
  • Enable Ingress addon in Minikube with:
$ minikube addons enable ingress

Running staic front end applicaiton as v 1.0:

Version 1.0 is a static angular app without a backend. It is built out of bassambst/guestbook-frontend:1.0 docker image.

$ kubectl apply -f frontend-service.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f frontend.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

Update hosts file with: Get minikube ip and update hosts file:

$ minikube ip
[minikube ip] frontend.minikube.local

Open browser at:


Running staic front end applicaiton as v 2.0:

Version 2.0 is a dynamic version. Assuing we run 1.0 first. It requires redeployment of guestbook-frontend pod with docker image bassambst/guestbook-frontend:2.0

$ kubectl apply -f frontend-configmap.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f frontend-service.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f frontend.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

$ kubectl apply -f backend-secret.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f backend-service.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f backend.yaml

$ kubectl apply -f mongodb-persistent-volume.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f mongodb-persistent-volume-claim.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f mongodb-service.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f mongodb.yaml

We are then supposed to watch 3 running pods

kubectl get pods --watch


Guestbook - Run with Docker Run


  • Docker Desktop

Clean up all containers

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

Run frontend 1.0:

$ docker run \
--name gb-frontend-10 \
-p 9001:4200 \
-d bassambst/guestbook-frontend:1.0

Test it with:

chrome http://localhost:9001

Run MongoDB:

$ docker run \
--name gb-backend-mongodb \
-v c:/mongo/guestbook/db:/data/db \
-e MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE='guestbook' \
--restart=always \
-d mongo

Get MongoDB container IP address via

$ docker inspect -f='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' gb-backend-mongodb

Run backend API (provide MongoDB contaienr ip to the env variable MONGODB_URI):

$docker run \
--name gb-backend-20 \
-p 9002:3000 \
-e MONGODB_URI='mongodb://admin:password@' \
-e GUESTBOOK_NAME='MyPopRock Festival 2.0' \
--restart=always \
-d bassambst/guestbook-backend:2.0

Run Frontend 2.0

$docker run \
--name gb-frontend-20 \
-p 9003:4200 \
-e BACKEND_URI='http://localhost:9002/guestbook' \
-e GUESTBOOK_NAME='MyPopRock Festival 2.0' \
--restart=always \
-d bassambst/guestbook-frontend:2.0

Test Guestbook 2.0:

chrome http://localhost:9003

Place the containers in the same network and use container Name to connect the Backend API to MongoDB

$ docker network create gb-backend-net
$ docker network create gb-frontend-net

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

$ docker run \
--name gb-backend-mongodb \
--network gb-backend-net \
-v c:/mongo/guestbook/db:/data/db \
-e MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE='guestbook' \
--restart=always \
-d mongo

$ docker run \
--name gb-backend-20 \
--network gb-backend-net \
-p 9002:3000 \
-e MONGODB_URI='mongodb://admin:password@gb-backend-mongodb:27017/guestbook?authSource=admin' \
-e GUESTBOOK_NAME='MyPopRock Festival 2.0' \
--restart=always \
-d bassambst/guestbook-backend:2.0

$ docker run \
--name gb-frontend-20 \
--network gb-frontend-net \
-p 9003:4200 \
-e BACKEND_URI='http://localhost:9002/guestbook' \
-e GUESTBOOK_NAME='MyPopRock Festival 2.0' \
--restart=always \
-d bassambst/guestbook-frontend:2.0

Guestbook - Run with Docker-Compose

Navigate to ./with-docker-compose/guestbook-v2 Run:

docker-compose up


chrome http://localhost:9003

Guestbook - Deploy with Helm

1- guestbook-1.0.0: helm chart of guestbook as static web app without backend.

  • go to ./with-helm/1.0.0 (empty folder)
  • Initialize new helm chart named guestbook:
helm create guestbook
  • Delete unnecessary files.
  • Copy Kubernetes yaml files from ./with-kubectl/v1 to ./with-helm/1.0.0
  • Go to ./with-helm/1.0.0
  • To make sure things will run well:
helm install guestbook ./guestbook --dry-run --debug
  • If all seems Good:
helm install guestbook ./guestbook
  • Verify the helm release:
helm list
  • Run the application and observe the title Guestbook : "Concert For Climate 1.0"
chrome http://frontend.minikube.local
  • Package the chart:
helm package guestbook
  • Push the chart to ChartMuseum:
curl --data-binary @guestbook-1.0.0.tgz

2- guestbook-1.0.1: guestbook with updated title in frontend. Still no backend.

Copy the raw chart from 1.0.0 into 1.0.1 folder.

Make changes to ./with-helm/1.0.1/guestbook/templates/deployment.yaml and change the containerImage to bassambst/guestbook-frontend:1.1

      - image: bassambst/guestbook-frontend:1.1


helm upgrade guestbook ./guestbook

Observe the release revision is 2

helm list

Verify the container image of the deployment is 1.1

kubectl get deployments -o wide

Run the application and observe the title Guestbook : "Concert For Climate 1.1"

chrome http://frontend.minikube.local

We can rollback the release to previous revision:

helm rollback guestbook 1

Delete the release and all its deployed K8s objects

helm delete guestbook

3- guestbook-2.0.0: umbrella chart guestbook with frontend, backend and database. Plain manifests.

Go to ./with-helm/2.0.0

helm install guestbook ./guestbook


chrome http://frontend.minikube.local

4- guestbook-2.1.0:

The chart here is on the path to allow the deployments of multiple releases of the same chart. Collision of Kubernetes objects names/labels is avoided by letting Helm supply them as:

{{ .Release.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Name }}

Extracted changable values to values.yaml files for frontend and backend.

Go to ./with-helm/2.1.0

helm install guestbook ./guestbook


chrome http://frontend.minikube.local

PS: frontend and backend charts supports this so far.

5- guestbook-2.2.0:

  • Supplied dynamic Kubernetes objects names and labels.
  • With extracted changable values to values.yaml files.
  • Solved the problem of having backend chart to dynamically refer to database chart in its secrets. Knowing that the database chart service name is now dynamic!
  • Introducing sub-templates in _helpers.tpl
  • The chart still cannot be deployed to multiple releases yet, since the Ingress entry points for both the frontend and the backend are still static.

Go to ./with-helm/2.2.0

helm install guestbook ./guestbook


chrome http://frontend.minikube.local

6- guestbook-2.5.0:


  • Allowing dev/test deployments (full multi release support - full isolation)
  • Unifying Ingress at Umbrella chart level. Where host name is dynamically generated from the release name.
  • Still support sub-chart Ingress level deployment in case someone opted to installing sub-chart as standalone.

Install dev release:

helm install dev ./guestbook/ --set frontend.config.guestbook_name=DEV

Install test release:

helm install test ./guestbook/ --set frontend.config.guestbook_name=TEST

Observe the printed NOTES.txt for the URLs.

6- guestbook-2.6.0: Helm Dependencies

We have to generate tgz files. Push them to Helm Repo (we can deploy ChartMuseum or Use GitHub).

To generate tgz helm charts, copy ./with-helm/2.5.0/charts to ./with-helm/dist. Then:

helm package frontend backend database

That will generate the tgzs. We can generate index.yaml needed by Helm Repository like

helm repo index .

Using Dependencies instead of exploded subcharts.

This version leverages Helm dependencies. Where dependencies are not included as exploded charts in charts folder. But as tgz files automatically.

1- We include this in Chart.yaml

    - name: backend
      version: ^1.0.0
      repository: https://localhost:8090
    - name: frontend
      version: ^2.0.0
      repository: https://localhost:8090
    - name: database
      version: ^1.0.0
      repository: https://localhost:8090

To resolve the dependencies:

helm dependency update guestbook

That will generate Chart.lock. It contains specific versions not ranges. We can use it in next dependency downloads.

helm dependency build guestbook

To verify dependencies:

helm dependency list guestbook

Then we install dev and test releases:

helm install dev guestbook
helm install test guestbook

Clean up helm releases:

helm delete $(helm list --short)

6- guestbook-3.0.0: Use stable mongodb chart instead of own one.

We do that since we want to deploy production grade Kubernetes objects of mongodb that involves primary, secondary and arbiter nodes. Doing this manually is hectic. We can here use stable/mongodb helm chart.

Updated Chart.yaml:

apiVersion: v2
name: guestbook
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
type: application
version: 3.0.0
appVersion: 3.0.0
    - name: backend
      version: 1.0.0
    - name: frontend
      version: 2.0.0
    - name: mongodb
      version: 7.8.8
      condition: mongodb.enabled

Updated Values.yaml to override the configurations/secrets of backend subchart. And configure mongodb subchart:

 enabled: true
     username: root
     password: password
     dbchart: mongodb
     dbconn: "guestbook?authSource=admin&replicaSet=rs0"
   enabled: false
   enabled: false

   enabled: true
   key: password
 mongodbRootPassword: password
   size: 100Mi

   - host:
       domain: frontend.minikube.local
       chart: frontend
   - host:
       domain: backend.minikube.local
       chart: backend


helm dependency update guestbook

Verify resolved dependencies:

helm dependency list guestbook

Install the chart:

helm install dev guestbook


helm list --short
kubectl get pods

Notice 5 pods instead of 3


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