A preview version is available at https://vp.bastian-somon.fr
All commands below suggest to be executed in the root directory of the project.
There are two ways to test the application. You can either run the entire app with a single docker-compose or run more "dev friendly" version with a docker-compose which contains the services needed to run the backend and then run the frontend with npm.
Before running any commands be sure to have a .env file with at least the following variables:
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<your google client id>
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<your google client secret>
Create a file called docker/.env. Add your own SMTP server (something like Google, ...) You'll need the following variables in your .env:
SMTP_HOST=<your smtp host>
SMTP_PORT=<your smtp port>
SMTP_USERNAME=<your smtp username>
SMTP_PASSWORD=<your smtp password>
And then you can run the full-app by running:
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.full-app.yml up -d --build
However, you can also run a more local environnement (without SMTP server, but note that you still need Google cred to make the social auth works) :
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.dev.yml up -d --build
This will run a DB service, a PGAdmin hosted on port 16543 and Mailhog to simulate a production SMTP server.