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Aditya Panchal edited this page Aug 9, 2015 · 1 revision

For detailed change information, check out the source code for further information.

Version 0.4.2 - Released July 15th, 2014

  • New Features

    • Added Quick DICOM Import feature.
    • Added Import plugin capability with toolbar icon support.
    • Plugins can now access the 2D View drawing canvas.
    • Refactored plugin manager to allow enabling/disabling of plugins.
    • DICOM data can now be loaded via command line argument or dragging and dropping a folder on the dicompyler icon on the Windows version.
    • Added persistence of the window size and position.
    • Added support to determine Rx Dose from RT Plan Fractionation information. Issue 48
    • Display Rx Dose in the DICOM import window before importing. Issue 48
    • Added support for DICOM files that don't include the StudyInstanceUID tag.
    • Added support for DICOM RT Dose files without dose grid data and/or DVH data. Issue 35
    • Added support for DICOM RT Dose files that contain dose for an individual beam. Issue 44
  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug in the 2D View where the mouse might be clicked too early after opening a patient. Issue 62
    • Fixed a bug where a DVH may be found without a corresponding structure, rendering the DVH unusable. Issue 61
    • Fixed a bug where a forward slash might be used to encode the ROI display color in an RT Structure Set. Issue 64
    • Support encoded character sets in DICOM files. This addresses the UnicodeDecodeError from occurring in the treeview plugin. Issue 69
    • Implement sensible defaults for demographics in case they don't exist. Issue 71
    • Fixed a bug where structures may be listed out of order if many structures exist. Issue 66
    • Fixed a bug in the 2D View where the image number was incorrect when loading a single image.
    • Fixed a bug where it was possible to start multiple directory search threads in the DICOM import window.
    • Fixed a bug where an index might be out of bounds when obtaining a dose grid slice. Issue 63
    • Fixed a bug where structure set contours may not display if contour data is not exactly coincident with image data. Issue 77

Version 0.4.1-1 - Released January 1st, 2012

  • General
    • Fixed an important bug in case dicompyler had never been run before on a system due to the logging system not being initialized properly

Version 0.4.1 - Released December 31st, 2011

  • General
    • Added an error reporter for Windows and Mac versions allowing easy error submission
    • Added support for volumetric image series (i.e. CT, MR, PET) - Resolved Issue 49
    • Added support for RT Ion Plan
    • Improved image sorting significantly which now allows for non-axial orientations and non-parallel image series
    • Implemented console and file logging, along with a menu item to display log files
    • Implemented an preference to enable detailed logging for debugging
    • Implemented searching of DICOM files within subfolders
    • Implemented the ability to specify the user plugins folder in the preferences
    • Added support for RT Dose files that don't reference RT Plans
    • Added support for unrelated RT Dose and RT Structure Sets that share the same frame of reference
  • DVH calculation and viewer
    • Implemented a preference to force recalculation of DVH data regardless of the presence in RT Dose
    • Limited the number of bins in the DVH calculation to 500 Gy due to high doses in brachytherapy plans
    • Automatically calculate DVHs for a structure only if they are not present within the RT Dose file
  • 2D image viewer
    • Improved support for very low/high doses in the main interface and 2D View - Resolved Issue 52
  • Anonymization
    • Added support for more tags that should be de-identified - Resolved Issue 45
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a bug where multiple series were loaded when a single series was selected due to the same Frame of Reference
    • Fixed a bug if multiple Target Prescriptions exist in a RT Plan file - Resolved Issue 55
    • Fixed overestimation of volume calculation when using the DVH to calculate volumes - Resolved Issue 54
    • Fixed a bug when calculating DVHs for structures that are empty
    • Fixed a bug if DVH data has less bins than actually expected
    • Fixed a bug if the structure data was located slice position with a negative value close to zero
    • Fixed a bug regarding dose display if the current image slice is outside of the dose grid range
    • Fixed a bug where the displayed image width does not correspond to the actual image width - Resolved Issue 47
    • Fixed a bug with isodose rendering by moving the origin by 1 px right and 1 px down
    • Fixed a bug if the dose grid boundaries were located outside of the image grid - Resolved Issue 46

Version 0.4a2 - released May 19th, 2011

  • General
    • Automatic conversion of Differential DVHs to Cumulative DVHs - Resolved Issue 18
    • Automatic import of TomoTherapy Prescription Dose - Resolved Issue 21
    • Preferences dialog for each plugin with data stored in JSON format
    • Support structures that don't have color information - Resolved Issue 31
    • Added scrollbars to isodose and structure lists - Resolved Issue 36
    • Added a status bar to the program to show additional information
    • Added Export plugin capability
    • Added independent DVH calculation from RT Dose / Structure Set data - Resolved Issue 9
  • 2D image viewer
    • Support CT data that has multiple window / level presets
    • Support for non-coincident dose planes - Resolved Issue 19
    • New isodose generation using matplotlib backend
    • Holes in contours are now properly displayed
    • Support CT data that is missing the SliceLocation tag - Resolved Issue 34
    • More accurate panning when zoomed during mouse movement - Resolved Issue 37
    • Support RescaleIntercept & RescaleSlope tags for more accurate window / level values
    • Added DICOM / pixel coordinate display of the mouse cursor in the status bar - Resolved Issue 38
    • Added image / dose value display of the mouse cursor in the status bar - Resolved Issue 38
  • Anonymization
    • Now an export plugin, found under the File->Export menu

Version 0.3 - released October 5th, 2010

  • 2D image viewer
    • Added Mousewheel image navigation
    • Added Zoom controls via toolbar and +/- keys
    • Added Panning of image via left mouse dragging
    • Added Window & level control via right mouse dragging
    • Fixed display of structures in the 2D View for feet first patients - Resolved Issue 13
    • Fixed image sorting based on slice location rather than instance number
    • Fixed sort order with respect to feet first or head first patient setup
  • DVH viewer
    • Simplified and streamlined the DVH constraint interface
    • Fixed a bug regarding formatting of the constraint result values.
  • General
    • New open patient icon
    • Added focus events for notebook tab plugins
    • Added toolbar buttons for plugins
    • Bugfixes regarding notebook tab focus
    • Fixed a bug if there were two image series present in the same study.
      • If one series was selected, all series would be loaded and merged into one.

Version 0.2 - released July 17th, 2010

  • Can now import DICOM CT, DICOM RT structure set, RT dose and RT plan files
  • Extensible plugin system with included plugins:
    • 2D image viewer with dose and structure overlay
    • Dose volume histogram viewer with the ability to analyze DVH parameters
    • DICOM data tree viewer
    • Patient anonymizer
  • New tabbed interface for plugins
  • Tools menu for menu plugins and plugin manager
  • Selective plugin loading so only the plugins that can use the imported data are loaded
  • New structure list with colors
  • New isodose list with colors (with relative and absolute values)
  • Keyboard support for 2D Image view (up/down, page up/page down)
  • Independent volume calculation if DVH not present or Differential DVH
  • Tons of bugfixes

Initial version 0.1 - released Feb 20th, 2010

  • Ability to import DICOM RT structure set, RT dose and RT plan files
  • Can display and evaluate DVH data from DICOM RT dose
  • Can read DICOM files regardless of file extension
  • Includes optional example DICOM data to get started