Sign up:
Install and sign up:
For Mac: brew install hyper
Build the image with your DockerHub username:
docker image build -t <YOUR_USERNAME>/contact-form .
allows us to give the image our own name
refers to where you want to create the image from
Check for the image:
docker images
Create a new container from the image:
docker container run --rm -p 8080:80 -d <YOUR_USERNAME>/contact-form
means to delete the container when it stops running (default is to be manually removed)
-p 8080:80
means to publish Docker's port 80 to your local machine's port 8080
means to run in detach mode, or in other words in the background of your terminal
Check for the running container:
docker container ls
Go to localhost:8080 in a browser to see your app!
Login to DockerHub:
docker login
Push image to DockerHub:
docker push <YOUR_USERNAME>/contact-form
Set up your Hyper keys with your keys from your profile on the site:
hyper config
Run Hyper container from DockerHub image:
hyper run -d -p 80:80 <YOUR_USERNAME>/contact-form
Allocate & attach floating IP:
hyper fip allocate 1
hyper fip attach <YOUR_IP> <YOUR_CONTAINER_ID>
Go to the given IP to see your live, hosted app!!!!
Note: Make sure all your necessary IPs and "localhost" are configured to work from your Google Recaptcha admin settings.
Note: This assumes you have Docker installed and running, have a DockerHub account, and have installed and configured Hyper CLI with your Hyper account keys.
Possible solution here:
List your running Hyper containers:
hyper ps
Go to the command line of your running Hyper container:
hyper exec -it <YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME> bash
Run these commands in sequence to install Certbot, answering any questions with "Y" or Enter:
apt-get update
apt-get install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
apt-get update
apt-get install python-certbot-apache
certbot --apache
Enter any email when prompted and then enter the domain name you will be using for your PWP.
Exit the Hyper shell:
You should now have an SSL Certificate for your hosted, domained PWP!