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Docker/Hyper PWP Contact Form Demo


Sign up:

Install and sign up:
For Mac: brew install hyper

Commands to run from directory with Dockerfile in it:

Build the image with your DockerHub username:
docker image build -t <YOUR_USERNAME>/contact-form .
-t allows us to give the image our own name
. refers to where you want to create the image from

Check for the image:
docker images

Create a new container from the image:
docker container run --rm -p 8080:80 -d <YOUR_USERNAME>/contact-form
--rm means to delete the container when it stops running (default is to be manually removed)
-p 8080:80 means to publish Docker's port 80 to your local machine's port 8080
-d means to run in detach mode, or in other words in the background of your terminal

Check for the running container:
docker container ls

Go to localhost:8080 in a browser to see your app!

Login to DockerHub:
docker login

Push image to DockerHub:
docker push <YOUR_USERNAME>/contact-form

Set up your Hyper keys with your keys from your profile on the site:
hyper config

Run Hyper container from DockerHub image:
hyper run -d -p 80:80 <YOUR_USERNAME>/contact-form

Allocate & attach floating IP:
hyper fip allocate 1
hyper fip attach <YOUR_IP> <YOUR_CONTAINER_ID>

Go to the given IP to see your live, hosted app!!!!

Note: Make sure all your necessary IPs and "localhost" are configured to work from your Google Recaptcha admin settings.
Note: This assumes you have Docker installed and running, have a DockerHub account, and have installed and configured Hyper CLI with your Hyper account keys.

In Beta:

Possible solution here:

List your running Hyper containers:
hyper ps

Go to the command line of your running Hyper container:
hyper exec -it <YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME> bash

Run these commands in sequence to install Certbot, answering any questions with "Y" or Enter:
apt-get update
apt-get install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
apt-get update
apt-get install python-certbot-apache
certbot --apache

Enter any email when prompted and then enter the domain name you will be using for your PWP.

Exit the Hyper shell:

You should now have an SSL Certificate for your hosted, domained PWP!


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