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batmac committed Sep 20, 2024
1 parent 2bde12b commit 2d623c6
Showing 1 changed file with 10 additions and 6 deletions.
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ $ kubectl run -i --tty ccat --image=batmac/ccat:latest -- /bin/sh
## help

version v1.15.0-26-g5fe474d [libcurl,crappy,plugins,keystore], commit 5fe474da75f12e665d6a6df0e6215ddec4eb0b74, built at 2024-04-27@10:59:42+0200 by Mage (go1.22.2 darwin/arm64)
version v1.15.3-30-g2bde12b [libcurl,crappy,plugins,keystore], commit 2bde12b21da8ae4397672c203aec98f66e098a5c, built at 2024-09-19@11:19:44+0200 by Mage (go1.23.1 darwin/arm64)
usage: ccat [options] [file ...]
-t, --tokens string comma-separated list of tokens
-i, --ignore-case tokens given with -t are case-insensitive
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ usage: ccat [options] [file ...]
ccat <files>...
- highlighter (used with -H):
- Lexers: 1S, 1S:Enterprise, ABAP, abap, abl, ABNF, abnf, aconf, actionscript, ActionScript, ActionScript 3, actionscript3, ada, Ada, ada2005, ada95, Agda, agda, ahk, AL, al, Alloy, alloy, Angular2, antlr, ANTLR, apache, ApacheConf, apacheconf, apl, APL, applescript, AppleScript, aql, ArangoDB AQL, arduino, Arduino, arexx, armasm, ArmAsm, as, as3, asm, autohotkey, AutoHotkey, AutoIt, autoit, Awk, awk, b3d, Ballerina, ballerina, Bash, bash, Bash Session, bash-session, basic, bat, batch, Batchfile, bf, bib, bibtex, BibTeX, bicep, Bicep, bind, blitzbasic, BlitzBasic, BNF, bnf, bplus, bqn, BQN, brainfuck, Brainfuck, bsdmake, c, C, c#, C#, C++, c++, caddy, caddy-d, caddyfile, Caddyfile, Caddyfile Directives, caddyfile-d, caddyfile-directives, Cap'n Proto, capnp, cassandra, Cassandra CQL, cassette, Ceylon, ceylon, cf3, cfengine3, CFEngine3, cfg, cfs, cfstatement, chai, chaiscript, ChaiScript, Chapel, chapel, cheetah, Cheetah, chpl, cl, clj, Clojure, clojure, cmake, CMake, COBOL, cobol, coffee, coffee-script, coffeescript, CoffeeScript, Common Lisp, common-lisp, console, Coq, coq, cpp, cql, cr, Crystal, crystal, csh, csharp, css, CSS, cucumber, Cucumber, cue, CUE, cython, Cython, D, d, Dart, dart, dax, Dax, desktop, Desktop file, desktop_entry, Diff, diff, django, Django/Jinja, dns, Docker, docker, dockerfile, dosbatch, dosini, dtd, DTD, duby, Dylan, dylan, EBNF, ebnf, edn, elisp, elixir, Elixir, elm, Elm, emacs, emacs-lisp, EmacsLisp, erlang, Erlang, ex, exs, f90, Factor, factor, fennel, Fennel, Fish, fish, fishshell, fnl, forth, Forth, fortran, Fortran, fortranfixed, FortranFixed, fsharp, FSharp, GAS, gas, gawk, gd, gd3, GDScript, gdscript, gdscript3, GDScript3, Genshi, genshi, Genshi HTML, Genshi Text, genshitext, gherkin, Gherkin, Gherkin, GLSL, glsl, gnuplot, Gnuplot, go, Go, Go HTML Template, Go Template, Go Text Template, go-html-template, go-template, go-text-template, golang, gql, graphql, GraphQL, graphqls, Groff, groff, groovy, Groovy, gsed, Handlebars, handlebars, Hare, hare, haskell, Haskell, haxe, Haxe, hbs, hcl, HCL, hexdump, Hexdump, hlb, HLB, HLSL, hlsl, HolyC, holyc, hs, HTML, html, html+genshi, html+kid, http, HTTP, hx, hxsl, Hy, hylang, idr, idris, Idris, Igor, igor, igorpro, ini, INI, Io, io, iscdhcpd, ISCdhcpd, j, J, Java, java, java-properties, javascript, JavaScript, jinja, jl, js, JSON, json, jsx, Julia, julia, Jungle, jungle, kid, Kotlin, kotlin, ksh, latex, lighttpd, Lighttpd configuration file, lighty, lisp, LLVM, llvm, Lua, lua, m2, make, makefile, Makefile, Mako, mako, man, mariadb, markdown, mason, Mason, materialize, Materialize SQL dialect, Mathematica, mathematica, matlab, Matlab, mawk, mcfunction, mcfunction, md, meson, Meson,, metal, Metal, mf, MiniZinc, minizinc, mkd, mlir, MLIR, mma, Modula-2, modula2, MonkeyC, monkeyc, morrowind, MorrowindScript, mwscript, myghty, Myghty, mysql, MySQL, mzn, MZN, mzsql, nasm, NASM, natural, Natural, nawk, nb, NDISASM, ndisasm, Newspeak, newspeak, ng2, nginx, Nginx configuration file, Nim, nim, nimrod, Nix, nix, nixos, no-highlight, nroff, obj-c, objc, Objective-C, objective-c, objectivec, ObjectPascal, objectpascal, ocaml, OCaml, Octave, octave, odin, Odin, ones, onesenterprise, OnesEnterprise, openedge, OpenEdge ABL, openedgeabl, openscad, OpenSCAD, org, Org Mode, orgmode, pacmanconf, PacmanConf, perl, Perl, perl6, php, PHP, php3, php4, php5, PHTML, phtml, Pig, pig, pkgconfig, PkgConfig, pl, PL/pgSQL, pl6, plain, plaintext, plc, plpgsql, Plutus Core, plutus-core, Pony, pony, posh, postgres, postgresql, PostgreSQL SQL dialect, postscr, PostScript, postscript, pov, POVRay, powerquery, PowerQuery, powershell, PowerShell, pq, progress, prolog, Prolog, promela, Promela, PromQL, promql, properties, proto, protobuf, Protocol Buffer, prql, PRQL, ps1, psd1, psl, PSL, psm1, Puppet, puppet, pwsh, py, py2, py3, pyrex, python, Python, Python 2, python2, python3, pyx, QBasic, qbasic, qbs, QML, qml, R, r, racket, Racket, Ragel, ragel, Raku, raku, rb, react, react, reason, ReasonML, reasonml, reg, registry, rego, Rego, rest, restructuredtext, reStructuredText, rexx, Rexx, rkt, RPMSpec, rs, rst, Ruby, ruby, Rust, rust, s, sage, SAS, sas, Sass, sass, Scala, scala, Scheme, scheme, Scilab, scilab, scm, SCSS, scss, Sed, sed, sh, shell, shell-session, sieve, Sieve, smali, Smali, smalltalk, Smalltalk, smarty, Smarty, sml, snobol, Snobol, sol, solidity, Solidity, SourcePawn, sp, sparql, SPARQL, spec, spitfire, splus, SQL, sql, squeak, squid, squid.conf, squidconf, SquidConf, ssed, st, Standard ML, stas, Stylus, stylus, sv, svelte, Svelte, swift, Swift, systemd, SYSTEMD, systemverilog, systemverilog, t-sql, TableGen, tablegen, Tal, tal, tape, TASM, tasm, tcl, Tcl, Tcsh, tcsh, termcap, Termcap, Terminfo, terminfo, Terraform, terraform, TeX, tex, text, tf, Thrift, thrift, toml, TOML, tradingview, TradingView, Transact-SQL, ts, tsql, tsx, turing, Turing, turtle, Turtle, tv, Twig, twig, typescript, TypeScript, TypoScript, typoscript, TypoScriptCssData, typoscriptcssdata, TypoScriptHtmlData, typoscripthtmldata, ucode, udiff, uxntal, V, v, v, V shell, vala, Vala, vapi,,, vbnet, verilog, verilog, VHDL, vhdl, vhs, VHS, vim, VimL, vlang, vsh, vshell, vue, vue, vuejs, WDTE, WebGPU Shading Language, wgsl, Whiley, whiley, winbatch, XML, xml, xml+genshi, xml+kid, Xorg, xorg.conf, YAML, yaml, YANG, yang, z80, Z80 Assembly, Zed, zed, Zig, zig, zone, zsh
- Styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn, average, base16-snazzy, borland, bw, catppuccin-frappe, catppuccin-latte, catppuccin-macchiato, catppuccin-mocha, colorful, doom-one, doom-one2, dracula, emacs, friendly, fruity, github, github-dark, gruvbox, gruvbox-light, hr_high_contrast, hrdark, igor, lovelace, manni, modus-operandi, modus-vivendi, monokai, monokailight, murphy, native, nord, onedark, onesenterprise, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, pygments, rainbow_dash, rose-pine, rose-pine-dawn, rose-pine-moon, rrt, solarized-dark, solarized-dark256, solarized-light, swapoff, tango, trac, vim, vs, vulcan, witchhazel, xcode, xcode-dark
- Lexers: 1S, 1S:Enterprise, ABAP, abap, abl, abnf, ABNF, aconf, ActionScript, actionscript, ActionScript 3, actionscript3, Ada, ada, ada2005, ada95, Agda, agda, ahk, al, AL, Alloy, alloy, Angular2, ANTLR, antlr, apache, ApacheConf, apacheconf, APL, apl, AppleScript, applescript, aql, ArangoDB AQL, Arduino, arduino, arexx, armasm, ArmAsm, as, as3, asm, AutoHotkey, autohotkey, AutoIt, autoit, Awk, awk, b3d, Ballerina, ballerina, Bash, bash, Bash Session, bash-session, basic, bat, batch, Batchfile, bf, bib, bibtex, BibTeX, bicep, Bicep, bind, blitzbasic, BlitzBasic, bnf, BNF, bplus, BQN, bqn, brainfuck, Brainfuck, bsdmake, c, C, C#, c#, C++, c++, caddy, caddy-d, caddyfile, Caddyfile, Caddyfile Directives, caddyfile-d, caddyfile-directives, Cap'n Proto, capnp, cassandra, Cassandra CQL, cassette, Ceylon, ceylon, cf3, CFEngine3, cfengine3, cfg, cfs, cfstatement, chai, chaiscript, ChaiScript, chapel, Chapel, Cheetah, cheetah, chpl, cl, clj, clojure, Clojure, CMake, cmake, cobol, COBOL, coffee, coffee-script, coffeescript, CoffeeScript, Common Lisp, common-lisp, console, Coq, coq, cpp, cql, cr, Crystal, crystal, csh, csharp, css, CSS, cucumber, Cucumber, CUE, cue, Cython, cython, D, d, Dart, dart, Dax, dax, desktop, Desktop file, desktop_entry, Diff, diff, django, Django/Jinja, dns, docker, Docker, dockerfile, dosbatch, dosini, dtd, DTD, duby, dylan, Dylan, EBNF, ebnf, edn, elisp, Elixir, elixir, elm, Elm, emacs, emacs-lisp, EmacsLisp, erlang, Erlang, ex, exs, f90, factor, Factor, Fennel, fennel, Fish, fish, fishshell, fnl, Forth, forth, Fortran, fortran, FortranFixed, fortranfixed, fsharp, FSharp, gas, GAS, gawk, gd, gd3, GDScript, gdscript, GDScript3, gdscript3, genshi, Genshi, Genshi HTML, Genshi Text, genshitext, gherkin, Gherkin, Gherkin, Gleam, gleam>, GLSL, glsl, gnuplot, Gnuplot, Go, go, Go HTML Template, Go Template, Go Text Template, go-html-template, go-template, go-text-template, golang, gql, GraphQL, graphql, graphqls, Groff, groff, groovy, Groovy, gsed, handlebars, Handlebars, Hare, hare, haskell, Haskell, Haxe, haxe, hbs, hcl, HCL, Hexdump, hexdump, HLB, hlb, HLSL, hlsl, HolyC, holyc, hs, HTML, html, html+genshi, html+kid, http, HTTP, hx, hxsl, Hy, hylang, idr, Idris, idris, Igor, igor, igorpro, ini, INI, Io, io, ISCdhcpd, iscdhcpd, j, J, Java, java, java-properties, JavaScript, javascript, jinja, jl, js, JSON, json, jsx, Julia, julia, Jungle, jungle, kid, Kotlin, kotlin, ksh, latex, lighttpd, Lighttpd configuration file, lighty, lisp, LLVM, llvm, Lua, lua, m2, make, Makefile, makefile, Mako, mako, man, mariadb, markdown, Mason, mason, materialize, Materialize SQL dialect, mathematica, Mathematica, Matlab, matlab, mawk, mcfunction, mcfunction, md, meson, Meson,, metal, Metal, mf, MiniZinc, minizinc, mkd, mlir, MLIR, mma, Modula-2, modula2, MonkeyC, monkeyc, morrowind, MorrowindScript, mwscript, myghty, Myghty, mysql, MySQL, mzn, MZN, mzsql, nasm, NASM, natural, Natural, nawk, nb, NDISASM, ndisasm, Newspeak, newspeak, ng2, nginx, Nginx configuration file, Nim, nim, nimrod, Nix, nix, nixos, no-highlight, nroff, obj-c, objc, Objective-C, objective-c, objectivec, ObjectPascal, objectpascal, ocaml, OCaml, Octave, octave, odin, Odin, ones, onesenterprise, OnesEnterprise, openedge, OpenEdge ABL, openedgeabl, openscad, OpenSCAD, org, Org Mode, orgmode, PacmanConf, pacmanconf, Perl, perl, perl6, php, PHP, php3, php4, php5, PHTML, phtml, pig, Pig, pkgconfig, PkgConfig, pl, PL/pgSQL, pl6, plain, plaintext, plc, plpgsql, Plutus Core, plutus-core, Pony, pony, posh, postgres, postgresql, PostgreSQL SQL dialect, postscr, postscript, PostScript, pov, POVRay, powerquery, PowerQuery, PowerShell, powershell, pq, progress, prolog, Prolog, promela, Promela, promql, PromQL, properties, proto, protobuf, Protocol Buffer, PRQL, prql, ps1, psd1, psl, PSL, psm1, puppet, Puppet, pwsh, py, py2, py3, pyrex, Python, python, Python 2, python2, python3, pyx, qbasic, QBasic, qbs, QML, qml, R, r, Racket, racket, Ragel, ragel, Raku, raku, rb, react, react, reason, ReasonML, reasonml, reg, registry, Rego, rego, rest, reStructuredText, restructuredtext, rexx, Rexx, rkt, RPMSpec, rs, rst, ruby, Ruby, Rust, rust, s, sage, sas, SAS, Sass, sass, Scala, scala, scheme, Scheme, Scilab, scilab, scm, SCSS, scss, Sed, sed, sh, shell, shell-session, sieve, Sieve, smali, Smali, Smalltalk, smalltalk, Smarty, smarty, sml, snobol, Snobol, sol, Solidity, solidity, SourcePawn, sp, sparql, SPARQL, spec, spitfire, splus, SQL, sql, squeak, squid, squid.conf, squidconf, SquidConf, ssed, st, Standard ML, stas, Stylus, stylus, sv, Svelte, svelte, swift, Swift, SYSTEMD, systemd, systemverilog, systemverilog, t-sql, TableGen, tablegen, tal, Tal, tape, tasm, TASM, tcl, Tcl, tcsh, Tcsh, Termcap, termcap, Terminfo, terminfo, Terraform, terraform, TeX, tex, text, tf, Thrift, thrift, toml, TOML, tradingview, TradingView, Transact-SQL, ts, tsql, tsx, turing, Turing, turtle, Turtle, tv, twig, Twig, TypeScript, typescript, typoscript, TypoScript, typoscriptcssdata, TypoScriptCssData, TypoScriptHtmlData, typoscripthtmldata, ucode, udiff, uxntal, V, v, v, V shell, Vala, vala, vapi,,, vbnet, verilog, verilog, VHDL, vhdl, vhs, VHS, vim, VimL, vlang, vsh, vshell, vue, vue, vuejs, WDTE, WebGPU Shading Language, wgsl, Whiley, whiley, winbatch, xml, XML, xml+genshi, xml+kid, Xorg, xorg.conf, YAML, yaml, YANG, yang, z80, Z80 Assembly, Zed, zed, Zig, zig, zone, zsh
- Styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn, average, base16-snazzy, borland, bw, catppuccin-frappe, catppuccin-latte, catppuccin-macchiato, catppuccin-mocha, colorful, doom-one, doom-one2, dracula, emacs, friendly, fruity, github, github-dark, gruvbox, gruvbox-light, hr_high_contrast, hrdark, igor, lovelace, manni, modus-operandi, modus-vivendi, monokai, monokailight, murphy, native, nord, onedark, onesenterprise, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, pygments, rainbow_dash, rose-pine, rose-pine-dawn, rose-pine-moon, rrt, solarized-dark, solarized-dark256, solarized-light, swapoff, tango, tokyonight-day, tokyonight-moon, tokyonight-night, tokyonight-storm, trac, vim, vs, vulcan, witchhazel, xcode, xcode-dark
- Formatters: html, json, noop, svg, terminal, terminal16, terminal16m, terminal256, terminal8, tokens
- openers:
crng: get data from crypto/rand (accept a size limit as parameter)
Expand All @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ ccat <files>...
gemini: get URL via Gemini
http: get URL via HTTP(S)
curl: get URL via libcurl bindings
libcurl/8.4.0 SecureTransport (LibreSSL/3.3.6) zlib/1.2.12 nghttp2/1.58.0
libcurl/8.6.0 SecureTransport (LibreSSL/3.3.6) zlib/1.2.12 nghttp2/1.61.0
protocols: dict,file,ftp,ftps,gopher,gophers,http,https,imap,imaps,ldap,ldaps,mqtt,pop3,pop3s,rtsp,smb,smbs,smtp,smtps,telnet,tftp
mc: get a Minio-compatible object via mc:// (use ~/.mc/config.json or env for credentials)
tcp: get data from listening on tcp://[HOST]:<PORT>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ ccat <files>...
lz4: compress to lz4 data (X:0 is compression level, 0-9)
lzma2: compress to lzma2 data
lzma: compress to lzma data
pgzip: compress with pgzip (X:6 is compression level, 0-9, blockSize, blocks)
s2: compress to s2 data
snap: compress to snappy data
xz: compress to xz data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,6 +217,7 @@ ccat <files>...
unlzfse: decompress lzfse data
unlzma2: decompress lzma2 data
unlzma: decompress lzma data
unpgzip: decompress with pgzip
uns2: decompress s2 data
unsnap: decompress snappy data
unxz: decompress xz data
Expand All @@ -241,6 +243,7 @@ ccat <files>...
jsonpath: a jsonpath expression to apply (on $, with all ',' replaced by '|', all ':' replaced by '£')
removeANSI: remove ANSI codes
wasm: a wasi (wasm) module to apply (path as first argument
yaegi: a yaegi script to apply (path as first argument, symbol as second argument)
('X:Y' means X is an argument with default value Y)
Expand All @@ -249,10 +252,11 @@ ccat <files>...
b64: base64
cgpt: chatgpt
d: discard
dumm, dum: dummy
dum, dumm: dummy
hd, xxd: hexdump
h2m, h2md: html2md
hf: huggingface
l: limit
l, head: limit
mistral: mistralai
ub64, unb64: unbase64

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