This is a Repair App that my family could use for their landscape business
This repo uses yarn which is a new package manager that works in concert with npm. with yarn the dependencies are more accurately tracked to insure that the same version of the package is installed on every machine.
often times i deactivate my google api key so that there isnt any unwanted use of it since it is in a public space. if you find this to be the case, you can simply replace my key with one of your own.
- clone the repo do you local machine
- install the dependencies via npm
npm install
oryarn install
(if you are using yarn package manager)
- open the terminal of your machine and get the repo directory
- start your MongoDB instance. (if you don't have MongoDB installed locally you can get it here)
- start your node.js server to serve the files locally
node server.js
- read the console log on your termial to see which port it is running on (current defualt port 8000)
- go to your web browser and view the application locally
- to stop the node.js server. go into your terminal and run the stop command
- to stop the mongoDB server. go into your terminal, where the instance is running, and run the stop command
to export MongoDB data use (in the terminal)
-mongoexport --db full_repair_app --collection repairs --out /initialData/repairs.json
to import mongoDB data use (in the terminal)
-mongoimport --db full_repair_app --collection repairs --file /initialData/repairs.json
to add parts using httPie use
-http POST :8000/parts name="Part Name Here"