This is a simple and interactive Unity3d (2017 version) example project to show how to use mmECS (Entity Component System). This (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity, using unity event manager to register and listen when certain code needs to be executed.
This example aims to demonstrate :
Create Components, attach them to Entities (GameObjects)
Create Events (to get the systems to communicate)
Create Systems (to do all the logic of the game)
To Install download mmECS files to a folder. Go to \mmECS_RaceCar_Example\mmGameLib_UnityEditor there are 2 files
copy them to C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\Resources\ScriptTemplates and add the two template files These 2 show up in your editor everytime you want to add a "new" script
Next Restart or Open your Unity project and go to Edit/ProjectSettings/Script Execution Order and Set EntityManager to -200 and Entity to -100.
Create the usual script folders in Assets folder
Drag in mmGameLib folder and add it to Assets
Create a game object – call it GameSystem (this is where everything happens)
Add following components:
Add mmGameLib -> EventManger
Add ALL game systems as components. Each system should implement following:
void OnEnable()
EventManager.StartListening("GameEvent", Handle);
void OnDisable()
EventManager.StopListening("GameEvent", Handle);
void Handle(string value)
All other game objects
Add any number of components that has the following method:
private void OnEnable()
ObjectTracker.Register(this.GetType(), this.gameObject);
ECS explained here