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Bitrise DevCenter



  • how to register a new app
  • about the build workflow:
    • what is a build workflow
    • who can manage it
    • drag and drop to reorder, add new step
    • what is a Step (public script repo with
  • events page
  • how to set Provisioning Profile and Certificate
  • how to add a git hook / build trigger hook to GitHub / Bitbucket / custom repo

Dev setup

With docker-compose

  • sudo su
  • docker-compose up
  • Open http://localhost:4567/ in your browser
    • If you run Docker in a virtual machine you might have to set a port-forward for the virtual machine!

Useful / cheat-sheat

  • To stop: just press Ctrl + C
  • To re-build the image: docker-compose build
  • To remote docker containers: docker-compose rm