PHP Client for interacting with the Bigstockphoto API.
This library contains a few simple functions to easily perform search, detail, purchase and download of images. Initialize the library with your API ID and Secret Key, then set production or test mode.
$config = array(
'secret_key'=>'secret key'
$bigstock_api = new BspApi($config);
setTestMode() Set to test mode to use the test API end point.
setProdMode() Set to production mode to use the standard API.
search( $params ) Perform a search using the parameters passed. Valid parameters are listed in the documentation
image( $image_id ) Retrieve information about a single image based on image ID.
purchase( $image_id, $size_code ) Purchase a license for an image using the image ID and the size to be purchased. The authorization key is automatically generated and submitted to the API. Response will contain a download ID that can be used for downloading the licensed image.
getDownloadUrl( $download_id ) Get the download URL of the licensed image based on the download ID returned by the purchase function.