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Simon Thulbourn edited this page Dec 29, 2013 · 1 revision

Webdriver on devices

In order to use devices with Wraith, you need to download the drivers and the Android SDK

On a Mac, install via homebrew

brew install android-sdk

Use the following commands on android, make sure to enable USB debugging and to allow connections, this will appear on the device as a prompt.

1.Discover device ID

adb devices

2.Download app, then install webdriver app via command line

adb -s "deviceID" -e install -r android-server-2.xxxxx.apk    

3.Port forward device

adb -s "deviceID" forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080    

4.Set both devices in config to android

5.Edit wraith.rb and comment out window sizing in web_runner task

6.Run webdriver command

rake webdriver