Releases: bblanchon/pdfium-binaries
PDFium 136.0.7060.0
This version was built with branch chromium/7060
of PDFium
Commits between chromium/7047
and chromium/7060
- Make libunwind DEPS entry Android-only
- Roll build, buildtools, and libc++
- Roll third_party/abseil-cpp/ 221ee3ed3..2705c6655 (2 commits)
- Update gn_version to 4a8016dc391553fa1644c0740cc04eaac844121e
- Roll third_party/libunwind/src/ e55d8cf51..62e217a12 (3 commits)
- Fetch architecture-specific GN binary on Linux
- Roll buildtools and libc++
- Remove SkColorPriv.h #includes
- Roll build, clang, rust
- Roll third_party/llvm-libc/src/ 533347237..a02de4d0d (68 commits)
- Roll base/allocator/partition_allocator/ f3153d2c6..46d880ff6 (10 commits)
- Roll third_party/freetype/src/ b1f478508..5d4e649f7 (3 commits)
- Remove uses of SkColorPriv functions
- Roll third_party/skia/ 6f17f2ebb..01b6ccad8 (21 commits)
- Roll third_party/googletest/src/ e235eb34c..24a9e940d (12 commits)
- Roll third_party/icu/ bbccc2f6e..d30b7b0bb (2 commits)
- Roll v8/ d53112274..c206c46cd (376 commits)
- Roll Catapult from d5166861902b to 93e56257a508 (21 revisions)
- Roll Code Coverage from 22e1f7663197 to 13e2c8b82298 (5 revisions)
- Roll Depot Tools from 98b7273c8d49 to 50eedb1b5a74 (80 revisions)
PDFium 135.0.7047.0
This version was built with branch chromium/7047
of PDFium
Commits between chromium/7033
and chromium/7047
PDFium 135.0.7033.0
This version was built with branch chromium/7033
of PDFium
Commits between chromium/7019
and chromium/7033
PDFium 135.0.7019.0
This version was built with branch chromium/7019
of PDFium
Commits between chromium/7009
and chromium/7019
- Save loose char box values in CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo
- Store frequently used function results in variables in GetLooseBounds()
- Roll v8/ 75be3dcb5..d53112274 (677 commits; 1 trivial rolls)
- Add simdutf dependency
- Redo FPDFText_GetLooseCharBox() top/bottom calculation
- Roll third_party/skia/ 975788ea9..6f17f2ebb (344 commits)
- Update skia/ to use gni filegroups for font port files
- Roll third_party/fast_float/src/ 3e57d8dcf..cb1d42aaa (40 commits)
- Roll third_party/libc++abi/src/ 83dfa1f5b..94c5d7a8e (9 commits)
- Roll base/allocator/partition_allocator/ 85d14cbcf..f3153d2c6 (6 commits)
- Remove unused CFX_Face::GetHeight()
- Roll abseil, build, buildtools, clang, libc++, llvm-libc, rust together
- Make sure loose char box is at least as big as regular char box
- Flip top/bottom values for FPDFText_GetLooseCharBox() with vertical text
- Call FPDFText_GetCharBox() in FPDFTextEmbedderTest.TextVertical
- Add FPDFText_GetLooseCharBox() test case for diacritics
- fixup_pdf_template: Don't count final newline in {{streamlen}}
- Tolerate bfchar / bfrange sections with more than 100 entries
- Roll Memory Tools from 8e9b58419b41 to 14089a7f57fa (1 revision)
- Roll Zlib from b763971bcaa3 to 788cb3c270e8 (3 revisions)
- Add regression test for /ActualText parsing
PDFium 135.0.7009.0
This version was built with branch chromium/7009
of PDFium
Commits between chromium/6996
and chromium/7009
- Fix some formatting issues in fpdfview.h
- Add pixel test for PDF with /NeedAppearances true
- fix extraction of marked text
- Add another indexed jpeg2000 test
- Remove MSVC-specific code
- Roll third_party/abseil-cpp/ 72093794a..f9b083a49 (12 commits)
- Roll third_party/freetype/src/ afc7000ca..b1f478508 (36 commits)
- Update gn_version to ed1abc107815210dc66ec439542bee2f6cbabc00
- Roll third_party/libunwind/src/ d1e95b102..e55d8cf51 (1 commit)
- Roll third_party/googletest/src/ 7d76a231b..e235eb34c (7 commits)
- Use StringTo{Float,Double}() in more places
- Switch one FXSYS_wcstof() caller to StringToFloat()
- Switch FXSYS_wcstof() to use fast_float
- Avoid UTF-8 conversion in wide versions of StringTo{Float,Double}()
- Test more WideString inputs with StringTo{Float,Double}()
- Suppress unsafe_libc_call (Debug only) in CFXJSE_Context.
- Fix JPEG2000 image decoding with an indexed colorspace
- Enable death tests for {Byte,Wide}String in release builds.
- Remove CXFA_FMLexer::Token::ToDebugString().
- Remove the /wd defines from
- Default pdfium to using an optimized allocator.
- Roll base/allocator/partition_allocator/ 9cab8b0d1..85d14cbcf (14 commits)
- Roll Code Coverage from 5e7c277c0d8c to 22e1f7663197 (2 revisions)
- Roll Depot Tools from 58625e82c685 to 98b7273c8d49 (86 revisions)
- Roll Catapult from 86d6f8ee6130 to d5166861902b (22 revisions)
- Skip some WideString creation in CPDF_TextPage::ProcessTextObjectItems()
PDFium 134.0.6996.0
This version was built with branch chromium/6996
of PDFium
Commits between chromium/6982
and chromium/6996
- Fix unnecessary tree traversal in SearchNameNodeByNameInternal()
- Refactor SearchNameNodeByNameInternal()
- Use CIDToGIDMap to fill font widths in FPDFText_LoadCidType2Font()
- Roll goldctl from 78856799f02f to 9389855cfb14
- Add even better compiler-support section to
- Always initialize CFX_SkiaDeviceDriver::m_bRgbByteOrder
PDFium 134.0.6982.0
This version was built with branch chromium/6982
of PDFium
Commits between chromium/6968
and chromium/6982
- Add supported compilers section to
- Remove some MSVC-specific code
- Allow options and input files in any order in pdfium_test
- Fix stack-use-after-scope in pdfium_test
- Fix FPDFText_GetLooseCharBox() to handle rotation
- Add tests to show FPDFText_GetLooseCharBox() bug with rotated text
- Fix test helper to get correct indices from rotated_text.pdf
- Add a helper to FPDFTextEmbedderTest for use with rotated_text.pdf
- Roll libpng from cf7c36ed084c to 28213bcabe21 (1 revision)
- Check the font width array generated by FPDFText_LoadCidType2Font()
- Add GetWidthsArrayForCidFont() helper to fpdf_edit_embeddertest.cpp
PDFium 134.0.6968.0
This version was built with branch chromium/6968
of PDFium
Commits between chromium/6954
and chromium/6968
- Add comment for subtle code in CPDF_StreamContentParser
- Add debugging data to help diagnose a hang in fread()
- Rename pdfium_unsafe_buffers_paths.txt file
- Avoid out of bounds crash when reading fonts
- Avoid fixed-offset NULL-deref in XFA_Node::InsertChildAndNotify().
- [AGG] Only add positive dash lengths and gap lengths
- Add pixel test for negative dash scales
- Use AutoRestorer in CPDF_StreamParser::ReadInlineStream()
- Rename local variables in CPDF_StreamParser::ReadInlineStream()
- Fix pdfium_test in Chromium builds when Skia is enabled by default
- Making CPDF_SyntaxParser::FindTag(ByteStringView tag) robust
- Roll Zlib from 82a5fecf8aae to b763971bcaa3 (1 revision)
- Fix bad refactoring in CXFA_TextParser::GetFont()
- Add test showing copies do not happen in fxcrt::Zip().
PDFium 134.0.6954.0
This version was built with branch chromium/6954
of PDFium
Commits between chromium/6941
and chromium/6954
- Avoid UNSAFE_TODO() in AreColorIndicesOutOfBounds().
- Remove distinction between input/output views in fxcrt::Zip().
- Update documentation and tests for fxcrt::Zip()
- Make PDFium's compiler_specific.h use clang's UNSAFE_BUFFERS_BUILD
- Roll build, clang, and rust
- Update gn_version to c97a86a72105f3328a540f5a5ab17d11989ab7dd
- Roll buildtools and libc++
- Roll v8/ 3e984a9e0..75be3dcb5 (277 commits)
- Add third_party/highway dependency
- Roll third_party/freetype/src/ 0ae7e6073..afc7000ca (9 commits)
- Roll v8/ 313e6ed36..3e984a9e0 (189 commits)
- Roll third_party/libc++abi/src/ 6c4fa00e4..83dfa1f5b (12 commits)
- Update reclient_version to re_client_version:
- Roll testing/scripts/rust/ 347b3c20a..6712dc59f (1 commit)
- Roll third_party/llvm-libc/src/ 4c70d6b5a..60b7db20a (87 commits)
- Roll third_party/libunwind/src/ 5b01ea4a6..d1e95b102 (4 commits)
- Roll third_party/abseil-cpp/ 0b76dfe4f..72093794a (6 commits)
- Roll third_party/googletest/src/ d14403194..7d76a231b (6 commits)
- Roll base/allocator/partition_allocator/ c551156ef..9cab8b0d1 (13 commits)
- Roll third_party/icu/ 4239b1559..bbccc2f6e (5 commits)
- Roll third_party/skia/ 3db026d62..975788ea9 (248 commits)
- Roll third_party/clang-format/script/ 37f6e68a1..1549a8dba (3 commits)
- Roll Catapult from 6a0960fe97ab to 86d6f8ee6130 (59 revisions)
- Roll Code Coverage from 719f1eba4379 to 5e7c277c0d8c (2 revisions)
- Roll Depot Tools from 8d20c1e0b56c to 58625e82c685 (39 revisions)
- Roll goldctl from b2da51fa8d3a to db814b551104
PDFium 133.0.6941.0
This version was built with branch chromium/6941
of PDFium
Commits between chromium/6927
and chromium/6941