Addict allows you to manage users authentication on your Phoenix Framework app easily.
For now, it enables your users to register, login, logout and recover/reset their passwords.
Addict depends on:
Optionally you can make Addict send e-mails for you too. At the moment only Mailgun is supported.
Addict is dependent on an ecto User Model and a Database connection interface.
The user model must have at least the following schema:
id serial primary key,
email varchar(200),
username varchar(200),
hash varchar(130),
recovery_hash varchar(130),
CONSTRAINT u_constraint UNIQUE (email)
There are some application configurations you must add to your configs.exs
config :addict, not_logged_in_url: "/error", # the URL where users will be redirected to
db: MyApp.MyRepo,
user: MyApp.MyUser,
register_from_email: "Registration <>", # email registered users will receive from address
register_subject: "Welcome to yourawesomeapp!", # email registered users will receive subject
password_recover_from_email: "Password Recovery <>",
password_recover_subject: "You requested a password recovery link",
email_templates: MyApp.MyEmailTemplates # email templates for sending e-mails, more on this further down
Environment specific configuration options go into their respective config/*.exs
config :addict, mailgun_domain: "",
mailgun_key: "apikey-secr3tzapik3y"
The email_templates
configuration should point to a module with the following structure:
defmodule MyApp.MyEmailTemplates do
def register_template(user) do
<h1>This is the HTML the user will receive upon registering</h1>
You can access the user attributes: #{}
def password_recovery_template(user) do
<h1>This is the HTML the user will receive upon requesting a new password</h1>
You should provide a link to your app where the token will be processed:
<a href="{user.recovery_hash}">like this</a>
Add the following to your router.ex
defmodule ExampleApp.Router do
use Phoenix.Router
use Addict.RoutesHelper
scope "/" do
addict :routes
This will generate the following routes:
register_path POST /register Addict.Controller.register/2
login_path POST /login Addict.Controller.login/2
logout_path POST /logout Addict.Controller.logout/2
recover_password_path POST /recover_password Addict.Controller.recover_password/2
reset_password_path POST /reset_password Addict.Controller.reset_password/2
You can also override the path
or controller
for a given route:
addict :routes,
logout: [path: "/sign-out", controller: ExampleApp.UserController, action: :sign_out],
recover_password: "/password/recover",
reset_password: "/password/reset"
These overrides will generate the following routes:
register_path POST /register Addict.Controller.register/2
login_path POST /login Addict.Controller.login/2
logout_path POST /sign-out ExampleApp.UserController.sign_out/2
recover_password_path POST /password/recover Addict.Controller.recover_password/2
reset_password_path POST /password/reset Addict.Controller.reset_password/2
Please note: The routes are all POST routes, meaning you need to create your own form (or similar) for registering and login in.
and AddictController.register/2
both render a JSON upon success.
In the following example Rails's jquery-ujs
was used to add functionality for sending forms asynchronously.
To install jquery-ujs
add it to the dependencies in your bower.json
. If that file does not exist, create it:
"name": "myawesomeapp",
"dependencies": {
"jquery-ujs": "~1.0.3"
Please note: Currently the addict controller expects the params non-nested (i.e. params[user_param]
, not params[user][user_param]
<%= form_tag login_path(@conn, :login), method: :post, "data-remote": true,
id: "login", do: fn -> %>
<div class="form-group">
<input type="email" name="email" class="form-control"/>
<div class="form-group">
<input type="password" name="password" class="form-control"/>
<div class="form-group">
<%= submit "Login", class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
Since we added the 'data-remote' attribute from jquery-ujs
to the form we don't see anything
when we submit the form. It is sent asyncrhonously and we need to handle the response with Javascript,
for example with the following snippet in your web/static/app.js
$("form#login").on("ajax:success", function(){
window.location = "/" // redirect wherever you want to after login
}).on("ajax:error", function(){
$(".alert-danger").html("Unable to login.");
If this does not work, make sure you have <script src="<%= static_path(@conn, "/js/app.js") %>"></script>
at the end of your HTML body in your layout (e.g. web/templates/layouts/application.html.eex
) or surround the code with jQuery's document ready handler.
Use Addict.Plugs.Authenticated
plug to validate requests on your controllers:
defmodule MyAwesomeApp.PageController do
use Phoenix.Controller
plug Addict.Plugs.Authenticated when action in [:foobar]
plug :action
def foobar(conn, _params) do
render conn, "index.html"
If the user is not logged in and requests for the above action, he will be redirected to not_logged_in_url
If you need to extend controller of manager behaviour you can do it. You just have to create new modules and use
Base modules:
defmodule ExtendedManagerInteractor do
use Addict.BaseManagerInteractor
defp validate_params(user_params) do
Check the issues on this repository to check or track the ongoing improvements and new features.
Feel free to send your PR with improvements or corrections!
Special thanks to the folks at #elixir-lang on freenet for being so helpful every damn time!