Install libtorrent-net
PM> Install-Package libtorrent-net
Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and C++ tools.
Download and extract Boost 1.72 to C:\boost_1_72_0
Go to C:\boost_1_72_0 and execute "bootstrap.bat", then ".\b2 --toolset=msvc-14.2 architecture=x86 address-model=64"
Add BOOST_ROOT (C:\boost_1_72_0), BOOST_BUILD_PATH (C:\boost_1_72_0\tools\build) to Environment path and C:\boost_1_72_0 to Path
2/ Libtorrent
Download and extract libtorrent-rasterbar 1.2.5 ( to C:\libtorrent-libtorrent-1_2_5
Compile libtorrent using "bjam link=static variant=release boost-link=static architecture=x86 logging=off asserts=off invariant-checks=off deprecated-functions=off toolset=msvc-14.2 address-model=64"
3/ Ltnet
Open solution, set Release/x64, build.
- Include the library as a reference to any .NET Core >= 3.1 project and simply use the libtorrent API.