A simple command line password generator.
To install locally on your machine clone the repo and then run the following on the directory (this is not packaged for PyPI yet):
pip install passg/
To uninstall run:
pip uninstall passg
Generate a password with a length of 20 characters that includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters:
passg -l 20 -up -lo -n -s
Do the same but omit the letters ABCabc and the numbers 123:
passg -l 20 -up -lo -n -s -x "ABCabc123"
Display help:
Usage: passg.py [OPTIONS]
--num_pass INTEGER set number of passwords to generate [default:
-l, --length INTEGER RANGE set length of generated password [1<=x<=128]
-up, --upper include uppercase letters
-lo, --lower include uppercase letters
-n, --num include numbers
-s, --special include special ascii characters
-e, --extended include extended ascii characters
-p, --punct include punctuation
-q, --quotes include quotes
-d, --dashes include dashes and slashes
-m, --math include math symbols
-b, --braces include braces
-x, --exclude TEXT items to exclude, case sensitive, surround in ""
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.