Scaffolding draft assemblies using reference assemblies and minimizer graphs
ntJoin takes a target assembly and one or more 'reference' assembly as input, and uses information from the reference(s) to scaffold the target assembly. The 'reference' assemblies can be true reference assembly builds, or a different draft genome assemblies.
Instead of using costly alignments, ntJoin uses a more lightweight approach using minimizer graphs to yield a mapping between the input assemblies.
Main steps in the algorithm:
- Generate an ordered minimizer sketch for each contig of each input assembly
- Filter the minimizers to only retain minimizers that are:
- Unique within each assembly
- Found in all assemblies (target + all references)
- Build a minimizer graph
- Nodes: minimizers
- Edges: between minimizers that are adjacent in at least one of the assemblies. Edge weights are the sum of weights of the assemblies that support an edge.
- Filter the graph based on the minimum edge weight (
) - For each node that is a branch node (degree > 2), filter the incident edges with an increasing edge threshold
- Each linear path is converted to a list of oriented target assembly contig regions to scaffold together
- Target assembly scaffolds are printed out
Original concept: Rene Warren
Design and implementation: Lauren Coombe
Thank you for your and for using, developing and promoting this free software!
If you use ntJoin in your research, please cite:
Lauren Coombe, Vladimir Nikolic, Justin Chu, Inanc Birol, Rene L Warren: ntJoin: Fast and lightweight assembly-guided scaffolding using minimizer graphs. Bioinformatics (2020) doi:
Usage: ntJoin assemble target=<target scaffolds> references='List of reference assemblies' reference_weights='List of weights per reference assembly'
target Target assembly to be scaffolded in fasta format
references List of reference files (separated by a space, in fasta format)
target_weight Weight of target assembly [1]
reference_weights List of weights of reference assemblies
prefix Prefix of intermediate output files [out.k<k>.w<w>.n<n>]
t Number of threads [4]
k K-mer size for minimizers [32]
w Window size for minimizers (bp) [1000]
n Minimum graph edge weight [1]
g Minimum gap size (bp) [20]
G Maximum gap size (bp) (0 if no maximum) [0]
m Minimum percentage of increasing/decreasing minimizer positions to orient contig [90]
mkt If True, use Mann-Kendall Test to predict contig orientation (computationally-intensive, overrides 'm') [False]
agp If True, output AGP file describing output scaffolds [False]
no_cut If True, will not cut contigs at putative misassemblies [False]
overlap If True, attempts to detect and trim overlaps between joined sequences [True]
time If True, will log the time for each step [False]
reference_config Config file with reference assemblies and reference weights as comma-separated values (See README for example)
This is optional, and will override the 'references' and 'reference_weights' variables if specified
- Ensure the lists of reference assemblies and weights are in the same order, and that both are space-separated
- Ensure all assembly files are in the current working directory
Running ntJoin help
prints the help documentation.
- Target assembly to scaffold: my_scaffolds.fa
- Assembly to use as 'reference': assembly_ref1.fa
- Giving the target asssembly a weight of '1' and reference assembly a weight of '2'
- Using k=32, w=500
- Ensure that all input assembly files are in or have soft-links to the current working directory
ntJoin assemble target=my_scaffolds.fa target_weight=1 references='assembly_ref1.fa' reference_weights='2' k=32 w=500
- Alternatively, the reference(s) and reference weight(s) can be specified in a comma-separated config file with one row per reference assembly/weight:
- It is important to ensure that there are no commas in the name of your reference fasta file
- Then, the ntJoin command would use the file specified by
for determining the reference(s) and reference weight(s) instead ofreferences
- If both the
and thereferences
variables are specified,reference_config
will override the other variables
- If both the
- Example config files can be found in the
- As with the typical ntJoin usage, ensure that all input assembly files are in or have soft-links to the current working directory, and do not use absolute/relative paths in the config file
ntJoin assemble target=my_scaffolds.fa target_weight=1 reference_config=config_file.csv k=32 w=500
- Scaffolded targeted assembly (
<target assembly>.k<k>.w<w>.n<n>.all.scaffolds.fa
) - Path file describing how target assembly was scaffolded (
) - Unfiltered minimizer graph in dot format (
) - If agp=True specified, AGP describing how target assembly was scaffolded (
- We recommend setting the reference weight(s) to be higher than the target weight
- If you are using a reference-grade assembly as the reference, set
, otherwise use the defaultn=1
- When using
, if you find that the output genome size is inflated, it is likely due to large gaps being incorporated into your output assembly. You can set the maximum gap size (G
) to offset this.
- As of version 1.1.0, ntJoin can detect and trim overlaps between joined sequences. This feature is controlled by the
parameter, and is onoverlap=True
by default. To turn this behaviour off, specifyoverlap=False
- Ensure that none of the sequences in your target assembly have terminal N characters. If they do, strip them from the sequence prior to running ntJoin
conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge ntjoin=1.1.5
ntJoin can be installed using Homebrew on macOS or Linuxbrew on Linux:
brew install brewsci/bio/ntjoin
curl -L --output ntJoin-1.1.5.tar.gz && tar xvzf ntJoin-1.1.5.tar.gz
Python dependencies can be installed with:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
See tests/
to test your ntJoin installation and see an example command.
ntJoin Copyright (c) 2020 British Columbia Cancer Agency Branch. All rights reserved.
ntJoin is released under the GNU General Public License v3
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
For commercial licensing options, please contact Patrick Rebstein