Tools for using Picard and GATK with Genomics API.
Common classes for getting Reads from GA4GH Genomics API and exposing them as SAMRecord "Iterable" resource.
Implementation of a custom reader that can be plugged into Picard tools to handle reading of the input data specified via a url and coming from GA4GH API.
A set of shell scripts (src/main/scripts) that demonstrate how to run Picard tools with Ga4GH custom reader.
Requires htsjdk version 1.128 and greater and Picard latest version (past this commit
You can download Picard from: and build it according to the instructions.
To build with ant:
ant gatk-tools-java-jar.
Note that examples below assume you have built with ant, it produces dist/gatk-tools-java-1.0.jar The following examples assume you have picard folder side by side with gatk-tools-java.
The typical command line would look like:
java -jar \
-Dsamjdk.custom_reader=,<location of gatk-tools-java jar> \
-Dga4gh.client_secrets=<location of client_secrets.json> \
dist/picard.jar <ToolName> \
INPUT=<input url>
java -jar \
`pwd`/dist/gatk-tools-java-1.0.jar \
-Dga4gh.client_secrets=client_secrets.json \
../picard/dist/picard.jar ViewSam \
The test read group set used here is the ex1_sorted.bam that can be found in testdata/ folder.
The data has been uploaded to the cloud project:
To build with Maven:
mvn compile
mvn bundle:bundle.
Note that Maven build produces gatk-tools-java-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.
- For Picard tools that have not yet been instrumented to work with a custom reader, you can use Ga4GHPicardRunner. It is a wrapper around Picard tools that allows for INPUTS into Picard tools to be ga4gh:// urls by consuming the data via the API and using pipes to send it to Picard tool.