Scripts that create a Google Compute Engine image containing a set of popular genomics software. The exact list of software available will change with time, but examples of software it may contain are tophat, bwa, and freebayes. Additionally, R is pre-installed along with some bioconductor packages and bigrquery, the interface into Google's BigQuery.
When a new tag is created for this repository, a corresponding public image is created in Cloud Storage. So, instead of checking out this repository and creating your own image, you can add one of the images from the [public space] (
gcutil addimage omics-<id> gs://genomics-public-data/gce-images/omics-<id>.tar.gz
To create a new image directly in a project, execute the following bash shell.
The cloud_storage_dir
is used to store a .tar.gz
file of the image.
./ <project> <cloud_storage_dir>
For example, when creating a new image in our public data bucket, we run:
./ genomics-public-data gs://genomics-public-data/gce-images