A framework to collectively develop multi-omic deconvolution methods.
The framework contains several blocks
- pre-processing :
- feature_selection :
- split :
- deconvolution :
- early_int :
- late_int :
- intermediate_int :
## Environnement
Set up your conda environement as follow:
conda create -y -n hadaca3framework_env
conda activate hadaca3framework_env
mamba install -y -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c r snakemake python r-base r-rmarkdown r-nnls r-seurat
Download data from:
To run the pipeline:
- Set the envionnement with the code above
- Retrieve the data
- Execute order 66 ! (
snakemake --cores 4 -s 00_run_pipeline.py -p
mkdir 00_demo_data
#then copy in it starting_kit_phase2-3/data
### TODO
- Set a file format to use :
- feather ?
- parquest ?
- Pre-processing return a multi data that contains ref and mix but only change ref ?