Runitor runs the supplied command, captures its output, and based on its exit code reports successful or failed execution to or your private instance. is a web service for monitoring periodic tasks. It's like a dead man's switch for your cron jobs. You get alerted if they don't run on time or terminate with a failure.
Binaries of the latest release for popular platforms are at
SHA256 checksum manifest of the releases are signed with one of the SSH keys published at
An example verification script shows how to use ssh-keygen
and sha256sum
to verify downloads.
If you have Go 1.19 or newer installed, you can use the command:
go install
...and the binary will be at $GOPATH/bin/runitor
or if GOPATH
isn't set,
under $HOME/go/bin/runitor
If you need to build the binary on a platform different than the target, you
can pass the target operating system and architecture with GOOS and GOARCH
environment variables to the go install
GOOS=plan9 GOARCH=arm go install
...and the binary will be under $GOPATH/bin/plan9_arm/runitor
If you prefer to run your workloads in containers, runitor/runitor on Docker Hub provides images based on Alpine, Debian, and Ubuntu for x86_64, arm64v8, and armv7 architectures.
In addition to clean separation of concerns from the thing that needs to run and the act of calling an external monitor, runitor packs a few neat extra features that are bit more involved than single line additions to a script.
It can capture the stdout and stderr of the command to send it along with execution reports, a.k.a. "pings". When you respond to an alert you can quickly start investigating the issue with the relevant context already available.
It can be used as a long running process acting as a task scheduler, executing the command at specified intervals. This feature comes in handy when you don't readily have access to a job scheduler like crond or systemd.timer. Works well in one process per container environments.
# (Using per check UUIDs.)
export CHECK_UUID=8116e449-d71c-4112-8f5d-a66f60902091
runitor -- dehydrated --cron --config
# Run the maintenance script 10 times a day (24h/10 = 2h 24m)
# (Using per-project ping key, and check slugs.)
export PING_KEY=file:/run/secrets/hc_prod_pingkey
runitor -slug git-repo-maintenance \
-every 2h24m -- \
# Do not attach output to ping.
# Backup software may leak filenames and paths.
runitor -no-output-in-ping -- restic backup /home /etc
When invoked with -every <duration>
flag, runitor will also act as a basic
task scheduler.
Sometimes you may not want to restart the process or the container just to force an immediate run. Instead, you can send SIGALRM to runitor to get it run the command right away and reset the interval.
pkill -ALRM runitor
runitor [-uuid uuid] -- command
-api-retries uint
Number of times an API request will be retried if it fails with a transient error (default 2)
-api-timeout duration
Client timeout per request (default 5s)
-api-url string
API URL (env: $HC_API_URL) (default "")
Create a new check if passed slug is not found in the project
-every duration
If non-zero, periodically run command at specified interval
Don't send command's output in pings
Don't generate and send a run id per run in pings
Don't send start ping
-on-exec-fail value
Ping type to send when runitor cannot execute the command (exit-code|success|fail|log (default fail))
-on-nonzero-exit value
Ping type to send when command exits with a nonzero code (exit-code|success|fail|log (default exit-code))
-on-success value
Ping type to send when command exits successfully (exit-code|success|fail|log (default success))
-ping-body-limit uint
If non-zero, truncate the ping body to its last N bytes, including a truncation notice. (default 10000)
-ping-key string
Ping Key (env: $PING_KEY). Use 'file:' prefix for indirection
Don't capture command's stdout
-req-header value
Additional request header as "key: value" string
Don't capture command's stdout or stderr
-slug string
Slug of check (env: $CHECK_SLUG). Requires a ping key. Use 'file:' prefix for indirection
-uuid string
UUID of check (env: $CHECK_UUID). Use 'file:' prefix for indirection
Show version
It listens for HTTP requests (pings) from services being monitored.
It keeps silent as long as pings arrive on time. It raises an alert as soon as a ping does not arrive on time.
Pings can signal start of execution so run durations can be tracked.
Pings can explicitly signal failure of execution so an alert can be send.
Pings can attach up to 100KB of logs. Runitor automatically handles truncation if needed.
It can alert you via email, SMS, WhatsApp, Slack, and many more services.
It has a free tier with up to 20 checks.
Software behind the service is open source. You can run your own instance if you'd like to.