A Helm chart to deploy an Enshrouded dedicated server. This chart relies on the mornedhels/enshrouded-server
helm repo add enshrouded-k8s https://bdelwood.github.io/enshrouded-k8s/
helm repo update
helm install enshrouded-server enshrouded-k8s/enshrouded-k8s \
--set gameServer.serverName=enshrouded-example \
--set gameServer.password=changeme
The chart will generate a server password, which can be retrieved with
kubectl get secrets <secrets-name> -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'
Alternatively, the password can be supplied in the values
file or by specifying existing secrets. The secret must have a server-password
Passwords for roles can be provided in the same secret as <role-name>-password
By default, the chart will provision a PVC using the default StorageClass. You can also provide an existing PVC, or change the StorageClass.
Full configuration options are detailed in the Chart readme.