A library for keeping score, a practice project
scoreKeeper.AddAction(scoreType, action string) error
AddAction accepts a json-encoded action string like "{"action":"hop", "time":100}"
It will store the action as a Score in a ScoreStore (categorized by scoreType) for later stats calculations.
It can return the errors:
= "scorekeeper uninitialized. Use New()"ErrNotRunning
= "scorekeeper not running. Use Start()"- Errors defined by the score type used, for example
scoreKeeper.GetStats() (string, error)
GetStats will return a json-encoded list of average scores like "[{"action":"hop", "avg":100}]"
It can return the errors:
= "scorekeeper uninitialized. Use New()"ErrNotRunning
= "scorekeeper not running. Use Start()"ErrNoData
= "no data to report"ErrTypeInvalid
= "invalid type" of score sent to the Average calculator (it expects float64). This can't happen with the provided MemoryStore, but could happen with custom ScoreStore implementations.
ScoreKeeper comes with an in-memory implementation of the ScoreStore interface
You could implement your own using that interface. Just pass an initialized store to New
Memory Store: see example/memory/README.md
Postgres SQL Store: see example/pgsql/README.md