GiftWise is an app for organizing gift ideas. It simplifies storing gift details and personal information about your family and friends.
With GiftWise you can:
- import family and friends from your Contacts
- create lists of gift ideas
- add personal information including sizes and colors
- see special events such as birthdays at a glance
- add a gift idea by sharing a URL from your browser
- share your GiftWise ideas by email or social media
- keep notes about sizes and items for yourself
GiftWise was conceived as a final project developed for the Udacity course Developing Android Apps: Android Fundamentals, It won first place in the GDG Triangle 2015 Android Study Jam.
An APK can be downloaded [here] ( GiftWise will be available on Google Play soon.
- The FloatingActionButton library by Melnykov Oleksandr was used
- The SlidingTabLayout and SlidingTabStrip from the The Google I/O 2014 Android App [ioshed] ( app were used
- The Android ColorPicker was used
- The GiftWise launch icon was created with Blender by Dino Morelli
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