##Current Status You can create a game, but can't play it yet. Gameplay is in progress
Set up ruby 2.1.2 and rubygems. I used rvm and followed the instructions here, except I used ruby 2.1.2. Also there's no need to install rails manually as the correct version will be installed later if not already installed.
Clone the repo
The next step allows bundler to install all of the necessary mysql gems. You can use another database, but using the gemfile requires this step (for now at least).
sudo apt-get install libmysqld-dev libmysqlclient-dev mysql-client
Run "bundle install"
Copy config/application.yml.example to config/application.yml and set all of the values
Copy config/database.yml.example to database.yml and fill in your db info.
Do whatever set up you need to install your database. You should be able to open the database terminal with the username and password you specify in database.yml. I used mysql, which just required
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=production
rails server -e production
This does not work on windows yet as the gemfile contains therubyracer, which can't be installed on windows. However, if you'd like to run it on windows, the gemfile just needs to have therubyracer removed, because windows has an alternative.