3rd party libraries for
TeamTalk5 are Git submodules
in build
Throughout this document $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT
is the root folder of
the toolchain Git
repository. Typically the toolchain Git repository is initialized as
a submodule of Git repository
To initialize the submodules in toolchain Git repository go to
and type make prepare
Note that submodule qt5 is not initialized because it is very big and
only needed on Windows. To initialize a single submodule type git submodule update --init ACE
to e.g. initialize ACE framework.
Also note that WebRTC is not initialized because it comes with it's own repository and tools. Quite a few manual steps are needed to setup and build WebRTC.
When building TeamTalk's 3rd party libraries they must be built in the following order:
- openssl (Required by macOS, Windows, iOS and Android)
- MPC (Required by all platforms)
- ACE (Required by all platforms)
- gas-preprocessor (Required by iOS)
- ffmpeg (Required by Linux, macOS, Android)
- libvpx (Required by all platforms)
- ogg (Required by Linux, macOS, Windows, Android)
- opus (Required by all platforms)
- opus-tools (Required by Linux, macOS, Windows, Android)
- portaudio (Required by Linux, macOS, Windows)
- speex (Required by all platforms)
- speexdsp (Required by all platforms)
- tinyxml (Required by Linux, macOS, Windows)
- zlib (Required by Windows)
- WebRTC (Required by Linux, macOS, Windows, Android)
- qt5 (Required by Windows)
The following sections explain how to build for each of the supported platforms:
- Building for macOS
- Building for Ubuntu 18.04
- Building for CentOS 7
- Building for Android
- Building for Windows
- Building for iOS
Install MacPorts or Homebrew and install the following packages:
- autoconf
- Required by ffmpeg
- automake
- Required by ogg
- libtool
- Required by ogg
- pkg-config
- Required by ffmpeg
- yasm
- Required by libvpx, ffmpeg
First source toolchain.sh
. Select 'macOS' as platform.
Now change to $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/build
Run make mac
Download WebRTC by running the following command: make prepare-webrtc
Build WebRTC by running the following command: make webrtc-mac
These are build instructions for Ubuntu 18.04 but should also work on Ubuntu 16 and Debian 9.
Run the following command to install required packages:
sudo apt install libssl-dev
- Required by ACE, ffmpeg
sudo apt install libasound2-dev
- Required by portaudio
sudo apt install yasm
- Required by libvpx
sudo apt install pkg-config
- Required by SpeexDSP
sudo apt install autoconf libtool
- Required by ogg
sudo apt-get install wget python
- Required by WebRTC. Notice "python" is v2.7.
First source toolchain.sh
. Select Linux as platform.
Now change to $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/build
Run make deb64
Download WebRTC by running the following command: make prepare-webrtc
Build WebRTC by running the following command: make webrtc-deb64
These are build instructions for CentOS 7.
Note that WebRTC is not supported on CentOS 7.
Run the following command to install required packages:
sudo yum install dnf
- Prefer dnf to yum
sudo dnf install make gcc-c++
- Required by ACE
sudo dnf install openssl-devel
- Required by ACE and FFmpeg
sudo dnf install alsa-lib-devel
- Required by portaudio, ffmpeg
sudo dnf install nasm
- Required by ffmpeg
sudo dnf install pkgconfig
- Required by SpeexDSP
sudo dnf install automake libtool
- Required by ogg
First source toolchain.sh
. Select Linux as platform.
Now change to $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/build
Run make openssl-deb64 mpc-deb64 ace-deb64 ffmpeg-deb64 ogg-deb64 opus-deb64 opus-tools-deb64 portaudio-deb64 speex-deb64 speexdsp-deb64 tinyxml-deb64 zlib-deb64
. Target deb64
cannot be used because libvpx does not build on CentOS 7.
For Ubuntu 18.04 download Android NDK r21,
android-ndk-r21-linux-x86_64.zip, and unpack it in
On Ubuntu 18.04 install the following tools:
For OpenSSL install dependencies
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
sudo apt-get install libtinfo5
For Speex, SpeexDSP, OPUS and OPUS tools install dependencies
sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool
For WebRTC install dependencies
sudo apt-get install wget python
- Notice "python" is v2.7 in Ubuntu 18.04.
First source toolchain.sh
. Select
Android architecture (armeabi-v7a, arm64, x86 or x86_64) and the
shell-script will create a toolchain for the archtecture if it doesn't
exist already.
Start a new shell and source toolchain.sh
for every Android
Now change to $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/build
For Android armeabi-v7a architecture type:
make android-armeabi-v7a
For Android arm64 architecture type:
make android-arm64
For Android x86 architecture (useful for simulators) type:
make android-x86
For Android x86_64 architecture (useful for simulators) type:
make android-x64
When building a new architecture make sure to run make clean
delete all intermediate files and configurations.
Download WebRTC by running the following command: make prepare-webrtc-android
Like in the previous section start a new shell and source
for every Android architecture.
Now change to $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/build
For Android armeabi-v7a architecture type:
make webrtc-android-armeabi-v7a
For Android arm64 architecture type:
make webrtc-android-arm64
For Android x86 architecture (useful for simulators) type:
make webrtc-android-x86
For Android x86_64 architecture (useful for simulators) type:
make webrtc-android-x64
Install Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
Install Windows 10 SDK 10.0.19041.1 (or later) including "Debugging Tools for Windows"
- Required by WebRTC
Install ActivePerl or Strawberry Perl and place perl.exe
in %PATH%.
- Required by ACE, MPC and OpenSSL
Install yasm from http://yasm.tortall.net/
- Required by libvpx
Install CMake from https://cmake.org and place cmake.exe
in %PATH%
- Required by PortAudio and OPUS
Install cygwin with make
and git
Building on Windows is quite different from the other supported platforms.
Basically there no make install
-type installation on Windows, so
headers and libraries are located in the original source build directories.
Start a cygwin shell and source toolchain.sh
. Choose either Win32 or Win64 as
Now change to $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/build
Run the following command make command make win
Copy yasm.exe
for x86 to $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/build/libvpx/build_win32
and yasm.exe
for x64 to $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/build/libvpx/build_win64
Now start either a Visual Studio 2019 command prompt, either "x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019" for Win32 or "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019" for x64 depending on the architecture chosen in the cygwin shell.
In the Visual Studio 2019 command prompt change to same directory as
and run build_win.bat
. Follow the
instructions on what to build. 'Default' build process is recommended.
Start a Visual Studio 2019 command prompt, either "x86 Native Tools
Command Prompt for VS 2019" or "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS
2019" depending on the architecture to build for. In the command prompt
change to $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/build/webrtc
Run build_win.bat
and follow the instructions.
Download Xcode 12.3 from Apple and place it in
. Change default Xcode to Xcode 12.3:
xcode-select -s $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
Start a new shell and source toolchain.sh
for every iOS
architecture, i.e. armv7, arm64, i386 or x86_64.
Now change to $TOOLCHAIN_ROOT/build
For iOS armv7 architecture type:
make ios-armv7
For iOS arm64 architecture type:
make ios-arm64
For iOS i386 architecture (useful for simulators) type:
make ios-i386
For iOS x86_64 architecture (useful for simulators) type:
make ios-x64
When building a new architecture make sure to run make clean
delete all intermediate files and configurations.