This extension makes it easier for us to run the sn-filesync node tool.
If you are wondering more about the commands, refer to the sn-filesync
From the command line:
npm install -g vsce vsce package
Now install the "local" .VSIX file (this method has changed over the last few years/months)
**NOTE: The following is done after running npm install in the sn-filesync folder.
- cmd + shft + p (Opens the command palette).
- type RTTMS
- Four options will come up RTTMS search, RTTMS sync, RTTMS setup, RTTMS watch.
RTTMS setup - Creates the necessary directories and sets your username/password in the config files:
- Type your user name in (i.e corp\bob.smith).
- Type your password in (Yes.. plain text.. not my fault..).
RTTMS search - Pulls the specified file down from dev or patch:
- Select the environment you want to get the file from.
- Select the type of file.
- Type the full file name in (case INsensitive) pressing enter when complete.
- Check the TERMINAL that the file downloaded fine.
- Navigate to the file (NOTE: If the file isn't there, click the refresh symbol next to the folder name in the explorer. VSCode doesn't always automatically refresh this very well).
RTTMS watch - Watches for changes that you have done to the files, on save it pushes them to the environment:
- Select the environment you want to compare and push files to.
RTTMS sync - Runs the resync and then watches your files:
- Select the environemnt you want to resync your files too.
- It's perfect.
*0.0.1 Initial Release
*0.0.2 Added the option of watching as a finishing task of RTTMS search
*0.0.3 Added Rttms BitBucket so that i can just run that and it commits with the specific commit message and then does "git push -u origin". My bitbucket repo root is ../src. So it just captures any changes in rttmsdev, riotintodev.