TALL Stack Preset
You can install the package via composer:
composer require bebo925/tall //includes https://github.com/wire-elements/modal
php artisan tall:install //this will create insall all of your JS dependencies, create a tailwind.config.js, update your webpack.mix.js file, and create an app.blade.php layout file
You will need to edit the host variable in 'vite.config.js' file for hot reloading to work.
Optionally, you can publish the views using
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tall-views"
<x-tall::button style="primary">My Button</x-tall::button>
//styles: default, primary, secondary, warning, danger
//types: button.flat, button.circle, button.outline
<x-tall::input label="My form element" error="property_name">
<x-tall::input.text />
<x-tall::input label="My form element">
<x-tall::input.checkbox label="My checkbox" />
<x-tall::input label="My form element">
<x-tall::input.radio label="My radio" />
<x-tall::input label="My form element">
<x-tall::input.textarea />
<x-tall::input label="My form element">
<x-tall::input.rich-text />
<x-tall::input label="My form element">
<x-tall::panel title="The Title">
<x-slot name="body">
The body
<x-slot name="footer">
//some buttons
<x-tall::page-heading title="Page Title">
<x-slot name="meta">
<x-slot name="actions">
<x-tall::messages dark="true"></x-tall::messages>//exists on layouts/app.blade.php for notification messages
//session()->flash('message', ['type' => 'success', 'message' => 'This is a success message!']);
//You can also use Livewire's dispatchBrowserEvent
//this is just for a modal layout. Functionality depends on https://github.com/wire-elements/modal
//slots: title, actions
<x-slot name="head">
<x-tall::table.heading>Some Heading</x-tall::table.heading>
<x-slot name="body">
Some cell
$dispatch('openModal', {component: 'tall-confirmation-dialog', arguments: [
'message' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?',
'title' => 'Warning',
'data' => $someId,
'confirmText' => 'Delete',
'style' => 'danger',
'event' = 'someEventToListenFor'
<livewire:tall-markdown-x :content="$application->faq ?? ''" :style="[
'toolbar'=> 'flex items-center justify-between',
'textarea' => 'h-[60vh] focus:outline-none p-4 w-full',
'preview' => 'p-10',
'help' => 'p-8 prose max-w-none'
]" />
<x-slot name="trigger">
<x-tall::multiple-select :options="MyModel::all()" wire:model.defer="selected"></x-tall::multiple-select>//valueField=id, labelField=name
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.