If you want to explore more of the functionalities within the rStrava package, I recommend referring to the comprehensive rStrava documentation and this handy blog by one of the creators.
This project uses functions within the rStrava package and gganimate/ggplot2 to animate rides sequentially, and incorporates some design features using ggtext and ggimage.
There are a couple of set up steps, which take ~30-60 minutes:
1. Strava account and API application - this allows you to generate an authentication token and pull your data from Strava.
- If you do not have an account already, set up a Strava account and record some activities
- Navigate to profile settings ➡ 'My API Application' ➡ 'Create an application'
- Note your application name, client id, and client secret as you will need these when running the script
- You will also need to know your athlete id, located at the end of your Strava URL.
2. Google API key in Maps Elevation API - this allows you to generate longitude and latitude data, download maps for ggmap, and calculate elevation data if needed.
- To create a project, click on the following link ➡ 'Credentials' ➡ 'Create project'
- After the project is created, click on 'Create Credentials' ➡ 'API key'
- Note your API key as you will need this when running the script
- Next, navigate to 'Library' in the left hand tab, and search for 'Maps Elevation API' in the API Library.
- Click 'Enable'.