LiveTranscriber is an open-source, semi-automated transcription platform combining automated speech recognition (ASR) and human-made corrections/reviewing.
The reviewed and corrected transcript is then used to improve the acoustic and language models.
Feel free to watch the YouTube Video for a short demo.
You should also watch the video that layed the groundwork for this project:
Peter Grasch's Simon Dictation Prototype Video
Transcribing is a tedious and work-intensive task. Most people hate to do it.
Computers don't mind doing it, but they make mistakes.
We want to make it more fun, by letting the computer do the heavy-lifting while you just correct the mistakes.
This way you train the computer to recognize words better.
Our goal is to improve open-source speech recognition. If you use this application you must give every transcription that you make with it back to the community.
Install the requirements:
Fetch the git repository
git clone git://
Install all gems via bundler
bundle install
.- See
file underspeech_recognition/tools/fatpocketsphinx
- See
Download the language and acoustic model. Thanks to Peter Grasch for providing these:
Extract the speech models and save them like this:
speech_recognition/models/hidden_markov_model/voxforge_en_sphinx.cd_cont_5000/ speech_recognition/models/dictionary/essential_sane_65k.fullCased speech_recognition/models/language_model/ensemble_wiki_ng_se_so_subs_enron_congress_65k_pruned_huge_sorted_cased.lm.DMP
Setup the database by running:
rake db:setup
Run Redis
Run the
server to start the applicationpuma
You are encouraged to contribute to this project.
Please take a look at our "Issues" page on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the GNU Affaro GPL.
Any transcriptions made with this application must be shared with the community.