ActivityInfo is an online humanitarian project monitoring tool, which helps humanitarian organizations to collect, manage, map and analyze indicators. ActivityInfo 2.0 was developed to simplify reporting and allow for real time monitoring.
This repository is an archive of ActivityInfo 2.7.
Visit to learn more.
ActivityInfo 4.0 is the latest version.
Visit to create an account on and get started.
Building ActivityInfo requires:
- Java JDK 1.8 (may not build on later versions)
- Apache Maven 3.3.9
- MySQL 5.6
To run the test suite, first create an empty test database in a locally-running MySQL database:
mysql -uroot -proot -e "CREATE DATABASE activityinfo2_test"
Then run:
mvn -Preset-test-db test
Set up a local MySQL database:
mysql -uroot -proot -e "CREATE DATABASE activityinfo2"
mysql -uroot -proot activityinfo2 < activityinfo2.sql
Then start Jetty:
mvn jetty:run-war -DskipTests
You can then navigate to http://localhost:8080/ and login with the email address "" and password "notasecret".