A sensor to report carbon dioxide and volatile organic compound levels to MQTT and an ESP32's display
Currently the firmware has the following functions:
- Browser based WiFi configuration.
- Reporting of CO2, TVOC, temperature, humidity, pressure, PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 values to Display
- Reporting of values to MQTT
- Setting CCS811 baseline (automatically and manually) and restoring it at boot
The code has been written for and tested on a Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 (V2) but should also work on the cheaper WiFi Kit 32. Since the code makes use of Heltec's Arduino library to access the Display, hardware Support is currently limited to their devices.
To measure carbon dioxide and volatile organic compound levels a CCS811 Sensor is being connected through I2C.
To set the environment variables of the CCS811 we need a data source for temperature and humidity. The BME/BMP280 sensor provides this data.
g_bme_humidity = bme.readHumidity();
g_bme_temperature = bme.readTemperature();
ccs.setEnvironmentalData(g_bme_humidity, g_bme_temperature);
A PMS5003 particle sensor can be connected to read fine dust values PM1, PM2.5, and PM10.
The connections are:
ESP32 - CCS811 - BME/BMP280
3.3V - VCC - VIN
4 - SDA - SDA
15 - SCL - SCL
3 - WAKE
ESP32 - PMS5003
22 (RX) - 5 (TX)
23 (TX) - 4 (RX)
GND - 2 (GND)
5V - 1 (VCC)
Attention: Check the WiFi Kit 8 Pinout Diagram to find the correct PINs. What's written on the NodeMCU is most likely wrong!
Currently this device has not been tested successfully.
ESP8266 - CCS811 - BME/BMP280
3.3V - VCC - VIN
- Visual Studio Code
- PlatformIO
- The libraries listed in main.cpp installed
Must have:
- MQTT Broker (e.g. Mosquitto)
Optional for storage and visualization of long term data:
- Node-RED
- Influx-DB
- Grafana
- Designing the firmware's integrated webpage
- Showing WiFi- and MGTT-State on OLED
- Supporting more OLED screens and other ESP32 and ESP8266 devices
- Code documentation
- LoRa/LoRaWan support
- Internationalization / translation
Your help is appreciated! Like to become a contributor?