This is a quick tutorial for setting up a Digispark to be a 'BadUSB' Device.
- - - - SETUP - - - - -
install nesececery drivers, click on "DPinst64.exe"
Click OK Then, in Arduino click Tools > Board > Boards Manager.. search bar for 'DigiStump AVR Boards' and install it then click Tools > Board > DigiStump AVR Boards > Digispark (Default - 16.5mhz) NOW YOU ARE READY TO FLASH YOUR SCRIPT
- - - - - -FLASHING NEW SCRIPT - - - - -
Once the above "SCRIPT SECTION" is modified how you want click the tick in the top left. the output in black below should say something like...(in white text)
Sketch uses 2790 bytes (46%) of program storage space. Maximum is 6012 bytes. Global variables use 118 bytes of dynamic memory.
If so click the right arrow next to the tick. (with the USB unplugged) then it will say Running Digispark Uploader... Plug in device now... (will timeout in 60 seconds)
PLUG IN NOW AND WAIT 10secs, once done it will reconnect and begin its job..
DigiSpark runs on a loop so it's wise to add a large delay at the end of any script so it wont loop
It will now run commands on loop when plugged in to anything except for..
when you plug in to arduino like we did earlier.
- - - - EXAMPLES - - - - -
use at least (100) delay inbeetween each instruction to be safe each line must close with ; delay units are in milliseconds - (1000) = 1 second!
DigiKeyboard.delay Is used to add a pause before moving on (even small ones needed for some computers to keep up!)
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke Presses 1,2 or 3 keys together (with 3 keys they must me seperated with comma then pipe symbol, and 2 keys is just a comma)
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(MOD_GUI_LEFT); (('GUI' means the windows key))
DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(MOD_GUI_LEFT, KEY_ENTER);
DigiKeyboard.print Prints a line of text (like typing) - USE brackets and quotes ("")
DigiKeyboard.print("type what ever string of text you like here like");