Using a Discord bot along with discords API and Powershell to Act as a Command and Control Platform.
This script uses a discord bot along with discords API to create a server channel that can control a windows pc. Every 10 seconds it will check for a new message in chat and interpret it as a custom command / module in powershell.
Demo (using .vbs stager and python bot)
- Make a discord bot at
- Turn on ALL intents in the 'Bot' tab.
- Give these permissions in Oauth2 tab and copy link into a browser url bar
- add the bot to your discord server
- Click 'Reset Token' in "Bot" tab for your token
- Change $tk below with your bot token
- Setup the script
- Run the script on a target.
- Check discord for new channels created.
- The session will be started in a newly created channel category
- Use the commands listed below in 'session-control' channel
Write these in 'session-control' channel to run on the target.
- AddPersistance: Add this script to startup.
- RemovePersistance: Remove Poshcord from startup
- IsAdmin: Check if the session is admin
- Elevate: Attempt to restart script as admin (!user popup!)
- ExcludeCDrive: Exclude C:/ Drive from all Defender Scans
- ExcludeAllDrives: Exclude C:/ - G:/ Drives from Defender Scans
- EnableIO: Enable Keyboard and Mouse (admin only)
- DisableIO: Disable Keyboard and Mouse (admin only)
- Exfiltrate: Send various files. (see ExtraInfo)
- Upload: Upload a file. (see ExtraInfo)
- Download: Download a file. (attach a file with the command)
- StartUvnc: Start UVNC client
StartUvnc -ip -port 8080
- SpeechToText: Send audio transcript to Discord
- EnumerateLAN: Show devices on LAN (see ExtraInfo)
- NearbyWifi: Show nearby wifi networks (!user popup!)
- RecordScreen: Record Screen and send to Discord
- FakeUpdate: Spoof Windows-10 update screen using Chrome
- Windows93: Start parody Windows93 using Chrome
- WindowsIdiot: Start fake Windows95 using Chrome
- SendHydra: Never ending popups (use killswitch) to stop
- SoundSpam: Play all Windows default sounds on the target
- Message: Send a message window to the User (!user popup!)
- VoiceMessage: Send a message window to the User (!user popup!)
- MinimizeAll: Send a voice message to the User
- EnableDarkMode: Enable System wide Dark Mode
- DisableDarkMode: Disable System wide Dark Mode
- ShortcutBomb: Create 50 shortcuts on the desktop.
- Wallpaper: Set the wallpaper (wallpaper -url
- Goose: Spawn an annoying goose (Sam Pearson App)
- ScreenParty: Start A Disco on screen!
- Microphone: Record microphone clips and send to Discord
- Webcam: Stream webcam pictures to Discord
- Screenshots: Sends screenshots of the desktop to Discord
- Keycapture: Capture Keystrokes and send to Discord
- SystemInfo: Gather System Info and send to Discord
- ExtraInfo: Get a list of further info and command examples
- Cleanup: Wipe history (run prompt, powershell, recycle bin, Temp)
- Kill: Stop a running module (eg. Exfiltrate)
- PauseJobs: Pause the current jobs for this session
- ResumeJobs: Resume all jobs for this session
- Close: Close this session
Custom Scripting
You can add custom scripting / commands - Type 'YOUR CUSTOM POWERSHELL COMMAND' in chat
Save a hosted file contents as 'kill' to stop 'KeyCapture' or 'Exfiltrate' command and return to waiting for commands.
UVNC Listener / Server Zip File -