I'm beginner in Machine Learnng
This is a simple machine learning project (like printing "Hello world!!!!!"
as first program; But it's not string rather than a Neural Network!!!!!
I'm trying to train a machine learning molel which recognise hand-written bangla digit.
There was no available enough free bangla-hand-written-digit's dataset
on the internet to use in this project (when was searched for it).
So, I'm trying to make own dataset of bangla hand-written digit to train model for my learning purpose.
This project was developed on Windows-10 using Python 3.6
Some packages need in this project:
* numpy
* scipy
* matplotlib
* scikit-learn
* tensorflow
* opencv
* jupyter-notebook
Contributors on dataset:
* Abdullah
* Masuma
* Shahriar
* Tanjila
* Himon
* Mostafijur
My friends.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project may contain idea of other's tutorial for my learning purpose.
You are welcome to modify these project and use them in your own projects. Please keep a link to the original repository. Thanks.