Crypto portfolio iOS mobile app built for my EBC-VI1 - Application Development for iOS course.
- Processed values from REST API and Core Data using Combine framework
- Implemented custom chart using SwiftUIChart external library
- Designed in MVVM architecture
ββ assets.xcassets/
ββ extensions/ # helper
β ββ Double.swift
β ββ PreviewProvider.swift
ββ model/ # model for crypto
β ββ Coin.swift
ββ preview content/
ββ service/
β ββ ActivityHistoryService.swift # data from Activity History model
β ββ CoinImageService.swift # API for images
β ββ DataService.swift # API crypto
β ββ Persistence.swift # core data
β ββ PortfolioService.swift # data from Portfolio model
ββ view/ # UI
β ββ ContentView.swift
β ββ FormAssetView.swift
β ββ analytics/
β ββ historylist/
β ββ portfoliolist/
β ββ pricelist/
β ββ rowrcrypto/
ββ viewmodel/ # designed to store and manage UI-related data
ββ .gitignore # untracked files
ββ CryptoPortfolioApp.swift # main
ββ Info.plist # info about project
ββ # this file