Windows CI:
Mac and Linux CI
The purpose of this package is to make local shiny apps. It uses electron for creating the application and for repeatability it installs both R and R packages from a single MRAN date.
It currently only builds windows apps, but support is being aded for Mac and Linux as well.
Your shiny app should be built as an R package and should list all dependencies as an R package would. It should be put on GitHub and have its own repository.
A template for desgining a shiny app as a package may be found here:
path <- "C:/Users/CMC/Desktop/temp"
date <- "2019-01-01"
github_package_repo <- "chasemc/IDBacApp"
# electricShine::electricShine() wraps the other functions and has three arguments:
# A path to a directory that does not contain a folder named "electricShine"
# The date from which to download R and R packages from MRAN
# Your github username and repository name in the format "usernam/repo" eg "tidyverse/ggplot2"
electricShine::buildPackage(name = "IDBacApp",
description = "My Electron application",
productName = "productName",
version = "1.0.0",
path = path,
date = date,
package = github_package_repo)
electricShine::runBuild(nodePath = NULL,
npmPath = NULL,
appPath = "C:/Users/CMC/Desktop/temp/IDBacAp" ,
node = NULL)
To install electricShine: