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Library for work with typography in BEM methodology. Inspired by Gridlover.
block from bem-core
Take way like connecting with bem-core and bem-components libraries. Use bower-npm-install to install bem-components from GitHub or Bower register.
Example for heading and paragpaph.
{ block : 'heading', content : 'This is heading of level 1' },
block : 'paragraph',
content : [
'Simple text'
Lib have block calc
for calculating fonts sizes. Any sizes writed in rem. It's absolutely right way for fonts. For more info about math model you can watch here.
Lib very simple to customize. You can configure everything.
To do this you need create block variables
on one of levels in your project and override any variable in it. So, list of variables you can watch here.
- Anton Winogradov (verybigman) @awinogradov
Please, talk about your ideas by GitHub issues.