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Whatsapp Protocol 0.2

Ben edited this page Mar 18, 2021 · 1 revision


Byte Meaning Description
0x00 [FunXMPP] Empty list
0x01 Start Tag of the XMPP Stream: <stream:stream>
0x02 End Tag of the XMPP Stream: </stream:stream>
0x03 ?
0x04 ?
0x05 1
0x06 1.0
0x07 action
0x08 active
0x09 add
0x0A all
0x0B allow
0x0C apple
0x0D audio
0x0E auth
0x0F available
0x10 bad-request
0x11 Bell.caf
0x12 bind
0x13 body
0x14 Boing.caf
0x15 cancel
0x16 category
0x17 challenge
0x18 chat
0x19 Chime.caf
0x1A clean
0x1B code
0x1C composing
0x1D config
0x1E conflict
0x1F contacts
0x20 create
0x21 creation
0x22 default
0x23 delay
0x24 delete
0x25 deny
0x27 dirty
0x28 en
0x29 error
0x2A expiration
0x2B expired
0x2C failure
0x2D favorites
0x2E feature
0x2F field
0x30 from
0x32 get
0x33 Glass.caf
0x34 google
0x35 group
0x36 groups
0x37 g_sound
0x38 Harp.caf
0x3B id
0x3C image
0x3D img
0x3E internal-server-error
0x3F iq
0x40 item
0x41 item-not-found
0x42 jabber:client
0x43 jabber:iq:last
0x44 jabber:iq:privacy
0x45 jabber:x:delay
0x46 jabber:x:event
0x47 jid
0x48 jid-malformed
0x49 leave
0x4A list
0x4B location
0x4C mechanism
0x4D mechanisms
0x4E media
0x4F message
0x50 message_acks
0x51 missing
0x52 modify
0x53 name
0x54 not-acceptable
0x55 not-allowed
0x56 not-authorized
0x57 notify
0x58 Offline Storage
0x59 order
0x5A owner
0x5B owning
0x5C participant
0x5D participating
0x5E particpants
0x5F paused
0x60 ping
0x61 PLAIN
0x62 platform
0x63 presence
0x64 preview
0x65 probe
0x66 props
0x67 query
0x68 receipt
0x69 receipt_acks
0x6A received
0x6B remove
0x6C Replaced by new connection
0x6D request
0x6E resource
0x6F resource-constraint
0x70 result
0x71 rim
0x73 seconds
0x74 server
0x75 session
0x76 set
0x77 show
0x78 sid
0x79 sound
0x7A stamp
0x7B starttls
0x7C status
0x7D stream:error
0x7E stream:features
0x7F subject
0x80 subscribe
0x81 success
0x82 s_o
0x83 s_t
0x84 t
0x85 TimePassing.caf
0x86 timestamp
0x87 to
0x88 Tri-tone.caf
0x89 type
0x8A unavailable
0x8B uri
0x8C url
0x8D urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind
0x8E urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl
0x8F urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session
0x90 urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas
0x91 urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams
0x92 urn:xmpp:delay
0x93 urn:xmpp:ping
0x94 urn:xmpp:receipts
0x95 urn:xmpp:whatsapp
0x96 urn:xmpp:whatsapp:dirty
0x97 urn:xmpp:whatsapp:mms
0x98 urn:xmpp:whatsapp:push
0x99 value
0x9A vcard
0x9B version org.apache.http.cookie.ClientCookie.VERSION_ATTR
0x9C video
0x9D w
0x9E w:g
0x9F wait
0xA0 x
0xA1 xml:lang
0xA2 xmlns
0xA3 xmlns:stream
0xA4 Xylophone.caf
0xA5 response
... ... ...
0xF8 [FunXMPP] Short list
0xF9 [FunXMPP] Long
0xFA [FunXMPP] Jabber ID
0xFB - -
0xFC [FunXMPP] Binary 8
0xFD [FunXMPP] Binary 24
0xFE [FunXMPP] Token 8
0xFF - -


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