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Ranger: A test data generator

Ranger is a test data generator that lets you create customized, correlated test data using the Ranger language.

This example Ranger file

Example Ranger file

produces such an output


Find more examples here.

How does it work?

You design test entities in a .ranger file.

Then, there are two ways to generate data:

  • Use the ranger command line tool to create CSV or JSONL files.
  • Use the Node.js library to generate JavaScript objects and use them in your code.

Get editing assistance via the Visual Studio Code Extension.

For Developers

This project contains all necessary files for the Ranger JavaScript API, the CLI and the VS Code extension.

It's built using the Langium framework.

What's in the folder?

├── examples                            - Example .ranger files
├── packages
│   │
│   ├── ranger-lang
│   │   ├── src
│   │   │   ├── cli
│   │   │   └── language-server
│   │   │       ├── main.ts             - Main code of the Language Server
│   │   │       ├── ranger-module.ts    - Dependency injection module
│   │   │       └── ranger.langium      - Grammar definition file
│   │   ├── test
│   │   ├── langium-config.json         - Langium configuration
│   │   └── package.json
│   │
│   └── ranger-vscode
│       ├── src
│       │   └── extension.ts            - Main code of the VS Code extension
│       ├── syntaxes
│       │   └── ranger.tmLanguage.json  - VS Code syntax highlighting definition
│       ├── language-configuration.json - VS Code language configuration
│       └── package.json                - VS Code language support declaration
└── package.json

Important to note:

  • main.ts - is the entry point of the Language Server process.
  • ranger.langium - the grammar definition of the Ranger language.
  • ranger-module.ts - Use this to register overridden and added services.
  • extension.ts - is responsible for launching the Language Server and Client.

Get up and running

  1. Open the project folder in VS Code.
  2. Ensure that Node.js is installed.
  3. Run npm install to download all project dependencies.
  4. Close VS Code and reopen the project folder.
  5. Press F5 to open a new window with the extension loaded (VS Code Extension Host).
  6. Open a file inside examples folder or create a new file with file name suffix .ranger.
  7. Verify that syntax highlighting, validation, completion etc. are working as expected.

Make changes

  • There is a background task that automatically compiles changes to the grammar and the source code into JavaScript code.
  • To apply the changes, reload the VS Code Extension Host (Ctrl+R or Cmd+R on Mac).
  • Alternatively, you can close the Extension Host and press F5 again.
  • If the changes don't seem to take effect, go to the VS Code Terminal panel and check for errors in the output of the npm watch task.


  • Make sure that the launch configuration Debug Extension is enabled.
  • Set breakpoints as you like in any TypeScript file.
  • Press F5 to run the VS Code Extension Host.
  • Note that Debugging works only after a 5-10 seconds delay because it takes a while to attach to the Language Server process.


  • Add your **.test.js file to test folder.
  • Run npm test.
  • Alternatively, you can use VS Code extension Vitest Runner to run the tests.


  • Run npm run package:vscode to create a VS Code .vsix extension file that can be installed in any VS Code editor.
  • Run npm run package:cli to create binaries for the ranger command line tool.

To Go Further

Documentation about the Langium framework is available at

Langium GitHub-Repository with lots of sample code: