My answers to first 1:1 questions
What makes you grumpy?
- Not being given enough autonomy to deliver on large-scale objective.
- Overemphasis on tactical and operational tasks at the cost of strategic investment.
- Undersleeping
How will I know when you’re grumpy?
- You probably wouldn't know, but I may withdraw and direct my attention to things that require less investment of myself.
How can I help you when you’re grumpy?
- Attempt to empathize with my perspective and solicit ideas.
How do you like feedback - slack, email, in person, etc?
- Slack or in person.
How do you like feedback - routine like in 1:1s, or as-it-happens?
- As-it-happens. It helps my brain index the feedback more effectively when everything is fresh.
How do you prefer to receive recognition? (public or private)
- Public
What makes 1:1s the most valuable for you?
- Receiving feedback that is the result of more careful contemplation - detecting patterns in behaviors.
- Concrete goal-setting for my organization and for my personal career growth.
What are your goals for this year? And for the next 3 months?
- To provide a next generation Secure Communication platform for Intuit's microservices that can scale at least an order of magnitude beyond our current limits.
What do you need from your manager?
- To align with me concretely on goals for his/her organization and mine.
- To empower my teams and me to make an impact, either by supporting grass-roots initiatives or by creating new opportunities.
- To push me to grow, preferably in the areas where I'm lacking.
From your team?
- To let me know in a timely manner when there's a problem or when I can help improve something.
- To think critically about the problems they're solving and make use of the scientific method.
- To identify opportunities to scale themselves and make their day-to-day work more effecient and effective. (DRY)
- To take pride in the quality of their work.
- To communicate effectively with their peers and me, both in person and in writing.
From your peers? (outside the team)
- To be candid with me in our collaboration.
- To be explicit regarding their requirements and expectations of me and my team.
- To share knowledge and insights about their perspective and our shared context.
What’s your favourite baked good?
- Cakes that don't involve chocolate. I love flavors that incorporate nuts, fruit, and alcohol.