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Benchmark repository for ResNet fitting on classification

Build Status Python 3.6+ TensorFlow 2.8+ PyTorch 1.10+ PyTorch-Lightning 1.6+

BenchOpt is a package to simplify and make more transparent and reproducible the comparisons of optimization algorithms. This benchmark is dedicated to solver of the ResNet classification fitting problem:

\min_{w} \sum_i L(f_w(x_i), y_i)

where i is the sample index, x_i is the input image, y_i is the sample label, and L is the cross-entropy loss function.


This benchmark can be run using the following commands:

$ pip install -U benchopt
$ git clone
$ benchopt run benchmark_resnet_classif

While this command would run the entire benchmark, which includes several models, datasets and solvers, sequentially, you can restrict the run to a specific model, dataset and/or solver by passing the corresponding arguments. For example if I want to run the benchmark for the ResNet18 model on CIFAR10 dataset with the Adam solver, without a validation set, and for a single random seed:

$ benchopt run . -o "*[model_size=18]" -d "cifar[random_state=42,with_validation=False]" -s "adam-torch[batch_size=128,coupled_weight_decay=0.0,data_aug=True,decoupled_weight_decay=0.02,lr_schedule=cosine]"  --max-runs 200 --n-repetitions 1

Use benchopt run -h for more details about these options, or visit


If you want to add a new solver, you need to inherit one of the base solver classes from PyTorch, TensorFlow or PyTorch-Lightning. For example, to implement a new PyTorch-based solver with the Adam optimizer, you can add the following python file in the solvers folder:

from benchopt import BaseSolver, safe_import_context

with safe_import_context() as import_ctx:
   import torch

class Solver(BaseSolver):

   parameters = {
      'lr': [1e-3],
      'batch_size': [128],

   def skip(self, framework, **_kwargs,):
      if framework != 'pytorch':
         return True, 'Not a torch dataset/objective'
      return False, None

   def set_objective(self, dataset, model_init_fn, **_kwargs):
      self.model_init_fn = model_init_fn
      self.dataloader =

   def get_next(stop_val):
      # evaluate the model at every epoch.
      return stop_val + 1

   def run(self, callback):
      # model weight initialization
      model = self.model_init_fn()
      criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

      max_epochs = callback.stopping_criterion.max_runs
      optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),
      # Initial evaluation
      while callback(model):
         for X, y in self.dataloader:
               if torch.cuda.is_available():
                  X, y = X.cuda(), y.cuda()
               loss = criterion(model(X), y)


      self.model = model

   def get_result(self):
      return self.model

If you want to use a more complex solver, using a learning rate scheduler, as well as data augmentation, you can subclass the TorchSolver class we provide:

from benchopt import safe_import_context

with safe_import_context() as import_ctx:
   from torch.optim import Adam

TorchSolver = import_ctx.import_from('torch_solver', 'TorchSolver')

class Solver(TorchSolver):
   """Adam solver"""
   name = 'Adam-torch'

   # any parameter defined here is accessible as a class attribute
   parameters = {
      'lr': [1e-3],
      'weight_decay': [0.0, 5e-4],

   def set_objective(self, **kwargs):
      self.optimizer_klass = Adam
      self.optimizer_kwargs = dict(

If you want to modify the data augmentation policy you will have to override the set_objective function. If you want to use a different learning rate scheduler, you will have to override the set_lr_schedule_and_optimizer function. We are in the process of making these functions more modular to enable easier customization.