Checkout a video demo here:
CFShoutout is an example application that utilizes some of the new Adobe ColdFusion 10 features.
Some of these include:
- Restful Web Services
- WebSocket Support
- ORM Search (via Apache Solr)
It also leverages:
- ESRI's JavaScrip APIs for Mapping
- HTML5 GeoLocation features
- Twitter Bootstrap for layout and styling
-'s "Superhero" CSS Styles
This code is FAR from production-worthy and is likely to include some bad-practices or ugly workarounds. Please forgive me! Use this at your own risk. If you would like to make a suggestion, please email me directly or submit a pull request and I will incorporate it into the code:
- Install/Configure CF10
- Create a datasource called "cfshoutout"
- Upload code the the appropriate location in your wwwroot (in my case it was /contest)
- visit your application and add ?initREST&ORMReload to the URL to create the database tables and initialize the webservice
The content included in this project is free-to-use for any purpose you feel fit. Portions of this project are licensed separately so please refer to any appended license, if one exists, for a given file.
Portions of this project can be attributed to:
Twitter Bootstrap Project - Code licensed under the Apache License v2.0. Documentation licensed under CC BY 3.0. Icons from Glyphicons Free, licensed under CC BY 3.0.
ESRI JavaScript API -
ESRI JS License Agreement - "Superhero" Twitter Bootstrap Theme -
Insipration and examples were drawn from: