Basic reagent recipe for Quill rich text editor
See the Quill documentation for a full rundown of what's possible. Note that the toolbar can have many more functions including your own custom stuff. Also note that this example deals with only HTML and therefore does not use deltas and as such does no delta <-> HTML conversion. I have built these particular examples to both create text and display text (so for just displaying text, building an editor without a toolbar is as straight forward as it sounds). These recipes provide clear enough templates to riff on.
Add the css theme file (adjusting paths to suit) to the head of your file
;; other head stuff ...
(include-css "/quill/css/quill.snow.css")]
Add the cljsjs dependency
[cljsjs/quill "1.1.0-3"]
reagent-quill/editor takes the following parameters:
(string): a unique id to associate with the editor and toolbar of your quill componentcontent
(string | html): the content to displayselection
(vector [start-index finish-index] | nil): the text to selecton-change-fn
(function): the function to call when editor text changes
Make sure to require cljsjs.quill somewhere in your project so it is added to your compiled ClojureScript code. I put all my cljsjs deps in core.cljs but it really doesn't matter. Note: you need only reference the cljsjs.quill dep once and it'll be available everywhere in your project.
In your reagent app, use the editor like so:
(ns your.component.or.view
[quill :as quill]))
{:id "my-quill-editor-component-id"
:content "welcome to reagent-quill!"
:selection nil
:on-change-fn #(if (= % "user")
(println (str "text changed: " %2))}]]
reagent-quill/display-area takes the following parameters:
(string): a unique id to associate with the editor and toolbar of your quill componentcontent
(string | html): the content to display
In your reagent app, use the display-area like so:
(ns your.component.or.view
[quill :as quill]))
{:id "my-quill-display-area-component-id"
:content "welcome to reagent-quill!"}]]