Create virtual env for python project
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 venv3
Active the virtual env
. venv3/bin/activate
Install Flask
pip install Flask==1.0.2
Install EB cli
pip3 install awsebcli
eb --version
Create a .ebingore file to tell Elasktic Beanstalk to ignore some folder or files in project folder, like the virtul env folder.
Create an application env on aws
eb init -p python-3.6 ben-flask-test --region us-west-2
This command creates a new application named ben-flask-test and configures your local repository to create environments with the Python 3.6.
Run eb init again to configure a default keypair so that you can connect to the EC2 instance running your application with SSH:
eb init
Create an environment and deploy app
eb create ben-flask-env
Open web site
eb open