This setup script for installing Ubuntu core on Crouton for working on more powerful x86 Chrome OS devices. It is compatible with so the same environment can be created on or off your hardware. It can use Dropbox to sync your IDE settings and work in progress, and includes browser based media and torrent clients.
All of the software installed uses web or CLI interfaces so the 'chroot' doesn't install a GUI, if you
want to also install an interface and desktop software change core
to xfce
when running crouton
This script is public domain and may be used or modified in any way.
If you would like to add something please submit a pull request with your addition, it must include an updated README and a screenshot etc where applicable. Improvements to the setup script are welcome.
To use this you'll need crouton and developer mode ready.
$ sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -r trusty -t core -n my_chroot_name
$ sudo enter-chroot
$ sudo apt-get install -y curl
$ curl >
# install everything
$ bash
# install only these things
$ bash nodejs cloud9 awscli
# install everything except
$ bash -deluge -s3cmd -awscli -doctl -dropbox
# backup a configured machine
$ sudo edit-chroot -b my_chroot_name -f /media/removable/SD\ Card/
# restore a backup
$ sudo edit-chroot -r my_chroot_name -f /media/removable/SD\ Card/
Cloud9 IDEdeluge
Deluge torrent server (insecure link)emby
Emby Media Server (insecure link)git-webui
via lxd-stablenodejs
via NVMpython
version 2.7 via deadsnakes
Redis (insecure link)postgresql
Amazon's AWS CLI (insecure link)doctl
DigitalOcean's doctlheroku
Heroku Toolbelts3cmd
S3Tools' S3CMD (insecure link)
If installed, note that On you use your workspace URL not localhost:
- Cloud9 will be running at localhost:8080 ~/projects as workspace
- PGWeb will be running at localhost:8081
- Git WebUI runs at localhost:8082 after
git webui
in a repo - redis-commander runs at localhost:8083
- Emby will be running at localhost:8096
- Deluge will be running at localhost:8112, password 'deluge'
- Dropbox requires connecting your account
- PostgreSQL on port 5432 will be waiting to create databases and users
- Redis on port 6379 will be waiting for final setup
cd ~/redis-stable/utils && sudo bash
You will need to create a user and database:
$ sudo -i -u postgres
$ createuser -P -s -e mydb
$ createdb mydb --owner mydb
Redis requires running an installation script to configure the port and folders:
$ cd ~/redis-stable/utils && sudo bash
First run it will generate a URL to link your computer:
$ ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
Once you have followed the URL press ctrl+c
to quit; and:
$ ~/ start
# exclude folders via selective sync, dropbox will erase any
# files that become excluded
$ ~/ exclude add my_folder
# exclude all folders but 'chromedev' (only affects folders already syncing)
$ cd ~/Dropbox && for x in *; do if [ ! "$x" = "chromedev" ]; then ~/ exclude add "$x"; fi done;
# replace ~/projects with ~/Dropbox/chromedev:
$ rm -rf ~/projects && ln -s ~/Dropbox/chromedev ~/projects