dotfiles of my personal Arch Linux setup. I try to keep things as minimalistic as possible, but without sacrificing aesthetics. I'm merely an enthusiast who
- CachyOS Linux distro (based on Arch)
- SwayFX window manager
- swaylock-effects lockscreen
- swayidle idle manager
- SwayOSD daemon notifications (brigthness & volume)
- Waybar bar module
- Kitty terminal emulator
- Fish shell
- rofi-wayland as command bar
- vscodium text editor
- Firefox + ArcWTF browser
Waybar is providing necessary information, which helps daily: temperature, time, date, workspace, network and battery status.
Sway-fx has minimal styling to make the setup more pleasing to the eye, and uses Super
as a "power" key - it triggers Rofi, and in combination with other keys, opens terminal, switches workspaces, splits views, etc.
Rofi is the center of control. Power actions, screenshots, screen recording, clipboard managenent and (not a perfect one, but does its work) translating.