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Word2Vec & Word Analogy Project

Program that solves analogies such as "dog is to cat as puppy is to ___".

Code Requirements

The code is in Python3 (version 3.0 or higher will work). The only other requirement is: numpy.


To run the program, simply run the file




Feel free to contact me or open a ticket (PRs are always welcome!) with any questions, comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


Among three similarities type:

0. Euclidean Distance (L1 Norm)

1. Manhattan Distance (L2 Norm)

2. Cosine Distance (Dot Product after Normalization)

3. Avg of all similarities

Using vector_model_5_10.txt:
    Euclidean(80.69484240687679%), Cosine(80.69484240687679%) and Avg(80.04502660663118%) Similarities gave slightly higher accuracy than Manhattan (79.83012689316415%)

However, using vectormodel.txt (as you can see in output folders): there was very low accuracy since many words were missing! As a result, I didn't find it interesting enough to compare similarities as well as investigate effect of normalization.

Having said that, larger model (samplemodel.txt) gave approx 50% accuracy whereas it took very long time to even compute evaluation file for Euclidean Similarity without normalization. [Check: samplemodel_outputs folder for further details]

Since, vector_model_5_10.txt was already normalized; so, I didn't get to see accuracy differences there. However, I am still running larger word2vec model (e.g. samplemodel.txt) to further investigate normalization effect! I think its all about ACCURACY vs TIME COMPLEXITY tradeoffs and I consider there won't be big of a difference in accuracy.

Approaches, Optimizations, Roadblocks:

  • At first, I used Pandas dataframe to read word2vec model; however, there was time complexity issues while comparing predicted word with all existing words. Therefore, I used dictionary with keys: words and values: vectors (represented by numpy array). Why numpy -> it does calcuation in C-level which is obviously faster than normal Python arithmetic.

  • Time complexity optimization:

    • Euclidean Similarity: instead of square_root I just used squares of vectors difference to compare and get most close vector_word -> Faster than square root.

      • Also, instead of squaring: I explored vector transpose operator for faster calculation: -> euclidean_distance(x, y) = (x − y)T (x − y) where, T is transpose
    • Cosine Distance: while normalization was not unabled, I just used numpy dot product for cosine distance -> faster than dividing by vector's magnitude

      • NOTE: used 1 - cosine_similarity while averaging all distances (my 3rd similarity type) to get higher acccuracy.
    • Loading vector model: instead of normalizing same vectors over and over; I dynamically read vector model and created a normalized dictionary for faster look up and calculation. I think in long run, this is very helpful and extremely faster (especially, when we have large Word Analogy test files)

  • Accuracy Optimization:

    • Ignored fourth predicted word to not to be third word which gave higher accuracy.
    • Similarly, ignoring fourth word be first three words -> further increased the accuracy.
    • Want to:
      • see if there might be some changes in accuracy using other similarities techniques such as:
        • Jaccard Similarity
        • Dice Similarity
        • KL divergence Similarity, etc.
  • Details/Roadblocks:

    • Used bash script to automatically run everything at once rather than having to execute same commands one by one.
    • At first, cosine similarity wasn't working nicely. However, found out that it was because I had to search for the words with higher cosine similarity (credit: Justin). Or could have subtracted by 1 and I would be fine with my initial approach!
    • I really enjoyed learning/exploring various ways to optimize as well as write meaningful clean code (especially, keeping track of everything!).


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